Your Vision May Improve With This Type Of Surgical Procedure

One of the common procedures eye care professionals offer is vitreoretinal surgery. It can be recommended for a variety of concerns including a detached retina, tears, inflammation, diabetes, and a variety of eye issues that can develop as a person gets older. It is important to get a correct diagnosis and eye exam from a qualified professional. This is a detailed procedure that is done by a certified expert. They have taken training above and beyond the qualifications for an Ophthalmologist to perform vitreoretinal surgery. The procedure involves the use of lasers and other surgical instruments. It can be done in a few hours in house and it is a same day procedure. You may need to spend several hours there including recovery.

Successful Procedure
There is a very high success rate with such a procedure, and that is very encouraging. Knowing you can make your vision better and prevent future risk of problems should be enticing. Specialists continue to advocate for this type of procedure because they see such great outcomes from it. The risk is low so that combined with the success rate is very positive.

Procedure Basics
When you are scheduled for the appointment, they should share with you the basics to expect from the vitreoretinal surgery. Knowing that process can help to reduce stress and anxiety of the unknown. The surgeon will take the time necessary to clear the area of any materials and then inject the eye with saline to help it heal. Tiny incisions around the eye will be made in order for the procedure to be completed. Typically, there will be three of these incisions made. They are so small, you won't be able to see them with the naked eye. You will be given a general anesthesia for the vitreoretinal surgery procedure. You will be taken into a recovery area after the procedure. You will be observed until they deem you are able to leave. This is often after the anesthesia has worn off and your vitals are good. You will need someone to drive you home after the procedure.

Before you are released to go home, the professional will give you the recovery instructions. They can vary after vitreoretinal surgery depending on the outcome of the procedure and your overall health. Most people are given prescription strength eye drops to use for several days up to several weeks. This helps to reduce the risk of any infection as well as to prevent inflammation. You will be scheduled for a follow up with your professional in several weeks. This will allow them to determine the healing and the improvements in your vision. Depending on the outcome at that appointment, you may be cleared to resume normal activities.

If the healing isn't complete yet, they can give you further instructions and another appointment for further evaluation.

Emergency Care
Should you have any signs of an infection or inflammation, seek emergency care rather than waiting for your next scheduled appointment. Report any bleeding, blurred vision, or pain as those can be signs that something isn't right with the healing process. Most people are able to go through this procedure and recovery though without any concerns.

Don't Put it Off
If your diagnosis included vitreoretinal surgery, get it scheduled as soon as possible. Don't put it off as that can create serious problems for your vision. It can result in pain and discomfort escalating. It can also result in the loss of vision that can't be restored. The longer the problem continues, the more damage is done and that means a longer recovery period.

 By Mahi Muqit

Article Source: Your Vision May Improve With This Type Of Surgical Procedure

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