Four Best Snail Short Stories

By Zirkon Kalti

Snail short stories often teach us about a moral lesson. The snail is a slow creature and can easily grow tired after just traveling for a short distance. Although being a slow creature, it is able to achieve a goal when it is patient and hardworking. The following are the 4 best snail short stories.

1. The Lazy Snail by Clara Dillingham Pierson

A young snail is always eager to learn about news of the meadow. He just can't put himself into traveling through the meadows to learn the interesting news himself. One day, the grasshoppers told the snail about some delicious leaves from a plant in a distance and the snail asks him to bring her some. But, the grasshopper is busy and it has other things to do. It happens that there is a dry season and the plants where the snail lives dry up. Without food, the snail grows thinner. When her friends, the butterfly learns about this, she gets others to help the snail this once and carries her to near the bank where things are greener. And, the snail grows plump again. The moral of the story is to don't be lazy to reach out for what you want.

2. The Snail and the Rose Tree by Fanny Fuller

A snail and rose tree talks about the meaning of life. The snail stays in the shell and the rose tree puts forth leaves and roses every year. Nothing happens. Everything is the same and they feel that they have not make any development. In the last conversion, the rose tells the snail that they should offer the best to each other. But, the snail rebukes the rose remarking that he wants the world to be nothing to him. The rose tree is sad to hear the answer. But he starts to recollect about the happy moments about how her rose petals have been useful to others. Years passed, the rose tree withered and the snail is dead but the cycle of life continues. There are many new snails in the garden and a new rose tree grows in the place of the old rose tree that had withered away.

3. The Oak and the Snail by Mrs. Alfred Gatty

An oak tree was fell and his trunk was saw into planks to make other wooden furniture. A plank is laid over the stump for the children to play seesaw. The oak tree is frustrated that the children disrespect him by playing seesaw on his stump. He longed for the days when is the king of the little woods. He grumbles so loudly that the snail, Sir Helix is aroused from his sleep. Sir Helix reasoned with the oak tree that he is being made into seesaw because he is valuable. The oak tree bitterly responds that the snail should ask the seesawers about his value then. The snail reasoned that the oak stump is strong. The balance that the oak stump maintain on the seesaw plank keeps the children light-minded and happy without having to fear that they are going to fall.

4. The Stag and the Snail

The stag boasts that he is the fastest animals to his friends in the forest. A snail named Ka Mattah challenges him to a race from the Rubber grove to the top of Mount Shillong. On the racing day, the stag runs and runs to reach the goal at Mount Shillong. He would stop for a while after running some distance and ask if the snail is there. The snails that have formed a long line on the edge of the path would reply "I am here. I am here." The stag is panting when he reaches the Iei Mountain. He fainted and hears the snail shouting "I've won. I've won" out of exhaustion. He put so much strain on himself that he spits out his own gall bladder. This is the reason why a stag does not have gall bladder. It is a reminder that the pride of the stag has caused his defeat. Snail children story teaches the virtue that being slow doesn't mean that you are a loser. The moral is that you can have an achievement if you persist to be patient and keep up the progress to the end.

Article Source:  Four Best Snail Short Stories

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