The Healing Power of Expression

This king of therapy. It's the use of artistic expression - painting, sculpting, drawing, music, dance, and writing - to heal those suffering from a crisis, illness, or trauma. According to Sigmund Freud, psychological well-being, art, and the subconscious are all connected. Through the years, various psychologists and doctors have explain the relationship between expression and the mind, and Margaret Naumburg began to experiment and get art therapy to be more seriously considered as a treatment option.

Today, it is much more widely used and accepted, and is of principle help for children. Not only can it help treat psychological disorders, but help control stress, depression, eating disorders, traumas, sleeping disorders, and overall general health. Versus traditional methods, it is much friendlier for both children and adolescents when compared to other therapies and helps them to better explain what is difficult to express in words.

Many, many people have found healing through art therapy, thanks to dedicated art therapists.

What is an Art Therapist and What Do They Do?

An art therapist is not only trained in the arts, but also in psychotherapy and human development, as well as education. They are focused on guiding people to discover, construct, and then interpret their own mental images. They are often supported by an art healing foundation or an art therapy foundation.

The materials used are as varied as the number of techniques there are to use them - from watercolor to oil paints, colored pencil to charcoal, guitar to piano, hip hop to expressive dance, paper mach� to digital painting. The possibilities are absolutely endless, with solutions for everyone, independent of age, skill, trauma, or preference.

Art therapy sessions can be individual or in groups. Sometimes a mix is used, where the art therapist individually guides and assists the patient in their own personal journey, and then group sessions work on common issues and solutions.

Is There More Than One Kind of Art Therapy?

There are several variations, each providing a different level of support and therapy:

Expressive arts, which are used to help state, express, manifest, discuss, promote, question, and innovate.

Therapeutic art has the purpose of helping to create personal images and promotes profound expression. It is meant to help look for paths and solutions, as well as help with processes such as grief. There are many art therapy foundations that try and provide these types of services, or funding for these types of services.

Art psychotherapy, also greatly supported by art healing foundations, is much more deeply connected with psychology. It uses creative interventions to help promote personal expression.

Who is Art Therapy recommended For?

Art therapy is recommended when someone desires to:

Know themselves better

Define their direction in life

Make decisions

Better interpersonal relations

Or when one suffers from:





Divorce grief

Trauma (kidnapping, rape, violence, deaths)

Sleep disorders

Psychological abuse

Eating disorders

Art therapy can be useful for couples, children, families, or individuals.

If you are searching for art healing foundation
or maybe art therapy foundation you came into right place.

 By Edmund Brunetti

Article Source: The Healing Power of Expression

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