Prolapsed Uterus - Symptoms And Treatment

We all are concerned about our body and when it comes to the sensitive parts of the body we become alert about it. A female is always concerned about her private parts as there are so many changes with every time at the different stages of the life. Any negligence can lead to severe problem and prolapsed uterus is the most common condition that can happen anytime even when you are careful with the whole thing. It can be due to the growing age and we cannot do anything with this. prolapsed uterus is referred to a condition where the womb of a lady falls down into the vagina due to the weakness of the pelvic floor muscles and supportive tissues. This can happen at any age due to the natural loss of estrogen hormone in a female's body.

A Prolapsed Uterus Can Be Classified Into Four Stages Which Are As Follows:-

First Degree: The first stage of the condition is when the cervix of the female falls down into the upper vagina due to the weakness of the muscles of pelvic floor.

Second Degree: The cervix comes down to the opening of the vagina at the second stage of prolapsed uterus. It is the incomplete stage of the condition which can be cured with the Ayurvedic treatments.

Third Degree: When the cervix comes out of the vagina a woman reaches to the third degree.

Fourth Degree: At the final stage, the uterus comes out of the body which is also referred as the complete prolapsed uterus.

Symptoms Of A Prolapsed Uterus:-

Lower back pain

Pelvic heaviness or pulling

Uterus protrusion from the vaginal opening

Urinary leakage, retention or bladder infections

Vaginal bleeding or an increase in vaginal discharge

Bowel movement difficulties, like constipation

Difficulties at the time of intercourse

Sensations of sitting on a ball or that something is falling out of the vagina

The causes and symptoms are the indication that you are moving towards the condition. As soon as you diagnose the condition you should consult a doctor instead of getting panic. It can be treated at the right time with non-surgical methods and with herbal treatments found in the treasure of Ayurveda. To prevent it at the early stages you can try Kegel exercises to strengthen the muscles of pelvic area. The treatment of prolapsed uterus depends on the condition and state of the patient on how weak your supportive tissues around the uterus has become.

Cure Uterus Prolapsed By Non Surgical. Call 9897379307, Kalptaru Herbal Therapy Centre provide Uterus Prolapsed Treatment by herbal and ayurvedic method

 By Marut Sahil

Article Source: Prolapsed Uterus - Symptoms And Treatment

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