How Professionals Hide Addiction

Often people prefer who abuse illicit substances, do so clandestinely, with the hope that no one would ever come to know about their secret indulgences. Although, most of the times, they are successful in hiding their devastating habit from their loved ones but living under the fear of being caught with drugs or alcohol can be highly painful.

However, when it comes to professionals or people working in the corporate world, maintaining secrecy about one's addiction problem becomes imperative or so some believe. Such individuals do not want their employers to get to know about their substance abuse due to the fear of losing their job. In order to advance in their career, and stick to their addiction, many employees resort to various tactics to hide their problems, which employers are, at times, unable to identify.

Some of the common tricks adopted by professionals to keep their addiction under cover are:

Frequently staying late at work: A person abusing substances could appear to make professional life his or her top priority. This gives the person a major reason to stay back late hours in the office and indulge in their addiction, in the absence of family members or colleagues. As a result, family and friends are unable to find out about their addiction since they believe that the individual is working hard to succeed in one's career or has too much work to handle.

Befriending colleagues with similar drug problems: Drug users tend to befriend people who are themselves grappling with addiction problems. Interestingly, such individuals experience an increased confidence level in their company since a person who is already fighting an addiction would not nag, question or judge them under any circumstances.

Blaming others for their addiction: Blaming their friends, family and others for their addiction problem is quite common among those who abuse illicit substances. This is because these people do not have a valid reason to explain their addiction and conveniently use them to divert attention to others.

Not sharing finance-related information with family and friends: It is difficult even for a high-earning professional to bear the burden of his or her addiction on a long-term basis. Therefore, to meet their drug needs, these individuals begin to indulge in inappropriate activities such as stealing valuables from home, using their children's school/college fund, picking up extra jobs, etc. They may not even share any information about their bonuses and salary just to avoid the risk of being questioned for how quickly their money is disappearing.

Traveling long distance to seek abusive substances: A professional who is addicted to some form of drug or alcohol does not mind traveling to far off distances just to hide his or her addiction. They may drive to a different town to buy alcohol or drugs for themselves, hide the empty bottles around the house, visit multiple doctors to obtain prescriptions (if addicted to prescription drugs), and so on.

Seeking professional help

Battling addiction could be a life-long process if unrecognized or left untreated. It is difficult to stop people from becoming a prey to addictive substances but there is always a way to channelize their emotions in a positive manner.

If you or someone you know is dealing with some form of drug addiction, get in touch with the Florida Drug Addiction Helpline to know about the best inpatient drug rehab center. The representatives available at our 24/7 helpline number 855-982-2401 can assist you with details about the best outpatient drug rehab or in other parts of the United States.

 By Barbara Odozi

Article Source: How Professionals Hide Addiction

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