A Reputable Colon And Rectal Doctor Cited Some Colorectal Diseases

The large intestine is the last organ of the digestive tract. It consists of 2 parts - the colon and the rectum. The colon passes up, across and down the abdomen. The rectum, on the other hand, leads out of the body through the anus.

The main function of the colon is to process the 3 pints of liquid it receives into solid stool. The rectum will coordinate the process of evacuation. A person normally passes up to 200 grams of solid stool every day. But this varies from 3 times every day to 3 times every week.

Most people have difficulty moving their bowels. This can be a result of their activity levels and diet.

Common Problems Affecting The Colon And Rectum

Constipation - This is defined as hard, small or infrequent stools. It may be caused by inadequate oral fluid, poor habits, inadequate fiber in the diet, and movement problems in the large bowel.

Irritable bowel - This is a condition where the colon muscle contracts abnormally. This can lead to high pressure that builds up in the colon, which causes bloating, abdominal cramps, gas and extreme urgency.

Internal Hemmorrhoids - These are normal blood vessel lining inside the anal opening. If they become enlarged, they may be irritated and start to bleed. They contain gas and avoid passing it out until it is socially acceptable.

External Hemmorrhoids - These are veins that lie under the skin on the outside of the anus. They do not usually cause any symptoms. When a blood clot forms, it can be very painful.

Diverticular Disease - These are little sacs in the bowel lining that happen if the lining gets pushed through the weak spots in the muscle of the bowel wall. It might be due to low-fiber diets. Unless the sacs gets blocked and infected, they can't cause any symptoms.

Polyps and Cancer - A major health problem today is the cancer of the colon and rectum. It happens when there's a complete loss of control of how the large bowel grows and divides. There are a lot of things that cause such loss of control. A polyp is a small growth protruding from the large bowel's lining tissue. Be reminded though that not all types of polyps will turn into cancer.

Colitis - This is a group of conditions causing inflammation of the large bowel. It causes rectal bleeding, diarrhea, urgency and abdominal cramps.

Whenever you feel any symptoms related to these diseases, visit a reputable colon and rectal doctor. This will help prevent the worsening of your condition.

People suffering from any symptoms of these colorectal diseases must consult their physician as early as possible. For more info, check out this site.

 By Jim O Kelly

Article Source: A Reputable Colon And Rectal Doctor Cited Some Colorectal Diseases

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