Will and Values

It is not only interesting but also intriguing to reflect on the word 'Will'. Although there are many definitions and concepts within and outside the parameters of literature, yet I prefer to dwell upon reference books precisely and conclusively within the realm of definitions and explanation.

The following are the most desirable meanings of the word 'Will" described in the reference books. The word 'Will' as a noun means desires (archaic) now generally means longing. As a verb (rare and transitive) it means to wish or to desire. Philosophical meaning of Will, generally, is the faculty of the mind which selects, at the moment of decision, a desire from among the various desires present. The Will does not refer to any particular desire, but rather to the mechanism for choosing from among one's desires (Wikipedia).

It is an established fact that a human mind selects a desire among the many available. It is this decision of mind which leads to execution of action which may have positive or negative repercussions. Philosophically the word 'will' be dependent on factors which can be detrimental to other aspects of life oscillating between mind and motives. Since a person's 'Will' dwells between conscious and unconscious state of mind, hence it is closely associated with psychology. We may prod over psychological aspect of the word 'Will' at a later stage.

It is a known phenomenon that words and its applications are influenced by its use under varying circumstances. At the core of Cogito Cognitive Technology which is a semantic engine that resolves ambiguity to understand the meaning of each word in a specific context. The disambiguation process performed is based on its access and interaction with Expert System's knowledge graphs to resolve conflicts that arise when a word can express more than one meaning. (Ref: Expert system cognitive technology)

It is convincingly proved that the Cogito cognitive technology is at its best performance up to forty-five percent accuracy. Yet again, it can usefully be achieved seventy percent under varying circumstances. Therefore, it is safely assumed that the software and computing technology can be a proven authority is rather misleading. Now a question arises as to what a common man of average intelligence living under varying conditions should do? It is at this crucial juncture he must reflect what are the values attached to the state of mind. He or she should not involve head over heel to understand what values are associated with the determination. Here they must evaluate the mental conditions and the prevailing circumstances to deduce values which are beneficial within the sanctity of meaning and context.

A very useful and meaningful definition is as follows. Analytical reasoning refers to the ability to look at information, be it qualitative or quantitative in nature, and discern patterns within the information. In contrast, synthetic reasoning requires that we include empirical observations, which are always open to doubt. It unequivocally established a fact that analytical and synthetic reasoning as specified above fits like a gem in the ring.

In modern psychology, the theory of the 'Will' is pragmatic. The 'Will' is not regarded as a separate psychic faculty; it is considered to be a quality or aspect of behaviour. Although there are many variations how the will is associated with different moods and motives hence values differ accordingly. It is imperative that the values should be evaluated within the reasoning of wills and motives.

The values are yet again independent with respect to principles. Although principles under the prevailing conditions may change to suit the ruler and the ruled yet values remain as foundation of principles. Individuals deduce values as per their comprehension of the principle by itself or the influence which is exerted from outside. Of-course the inner voice has its own impact and plays a greater role in understanding the reality and the virtuosity. Differentiating the values subjectively within the meaning and the concept of personal comprehension will lead to ambiguity. Hence it is advisable to integrate the differing meaning and concepts and deduce the values of reality and truth. This is the core concept and truth about 'Wills and Values.'

Self-improvement and mind development therapist

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