OET for Nurses

There must be a mono-communication module linking a patient and a nurse to achieve success. The Nurse should qualify with English to help patients. Despite every country having their prime language, the paramount task to practice English is essential for inter-linking foreign countries with prodigious way. To implement nursing in UK, US, Australia, and New Zealand OET for Nurses is an eligibility test. 

How to take the OET test and what are its minimum qualifying chances?

Formerly, the OET test was applicable to Australia and its neighbor New Zealand, since 2017, the Midwifery council of United Kingdom has issued the test in the European Union as criteria to exercise nursing across the world. 

What OET comprises of?

The OET test comprises four different sub-tests which tests skills such as reading, writing, speaking and listening. Let’s talk about each part in detail.

How is the ranking assigned in OET?

The ranking in the OET test for nurses comes as grade patterns from A to E. where a grade of B or A can elect a passing score. 

Time duration for the test:  2 hrs. and 45 minutes

The different test in OET for nurses

 Listening task for OET 

During the listening test of OET the appearing trainee has to complete two tests. For the first test the candidate has to listen to a patient and during the second test the candidate has to listen to the lecture of the representative on health care. After the test the trainee has to pen down the answers in MCQs and Fill ups. 

Reading task for OET

Again this test is also divided into two parts. The mid brain and IQ is tested here. In the first part a trainee has to read the given short passages swiftly and answer the summary questions. This test is like a speed test to check the processing limit of the trainee.  

Tip to pass the first test with ease:

If you exercise skimming and scanning, then this is part of test requires zero-effort.

While the latter part which is long and lasts for 45 minutes. The work of the trainee here is to read out long passages on medicinal health care and attend the MCQs (8-10). This to inspect whether the candidate can grasp prolong contents.

The writing test for OET

Almost in every career from a school leave to a medical checkout of patients letters are written everywhere. The candidate for OET has to study the given case and perpetuate a corresponding letter. 

The speaking task to end the session

Now to fresh up the candidate a special role play test is suggested at the conclusion. The invigilator at first interview the candidate for basic information and then the duo is asked to do a role play where the candidate has to focus as a nurse and the invigilator becomes the patient. The role play runs for minimum 5 minutes. For Veterinary specified candidates the invigilator plays the role of the owner of the animal.


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