Laws of the Universe: How Do I Manage My Jealousy?

By Dr. Bruce A. Johnson

Do you ever take a look your life and wish that somehow it would get better, yet all you feel is a sense of struggle and failure, even though others seem to have it easier? Do you try your hardest and nothing changes?

Do you have big dreams but find yourself always wishing for something which never comes to be, except for someone else? Then if those feelings aren't bad enough, it may appear to you everyone else has it so much better than you. There are people who seem to get what they want or never have to worry about their life or career, when your troubles never seem to go away. This is when the bitter feelings of jealousy may arise.

Whenever someone feels like this way, it is a time when they may reach out for help or ask someone else for answers. This is when a person may turn to religion, which teaches you to pray and make your case heard. But many religions tell you that you will face a supreme being who you have been told is vengeful in nature. You also have to live according to what the church has deemed is right and wrong, which means you are going to spend most of your life walking on a tightrope. If your life doesn't change after praying, it is natural to think the supreme being has not deemed you worthy or you haven't followed the rules correctly.

If you follow many of the New Age teachers, especially Law of Attraction teachers, they will tell you to focus on your bliss, think happy thoughts, put it into a vortex, tell the Universe about it, or hope an entity referred to as Source will help you out. But you cannot feel bliss when you are in the middle of envy. You cannot find a happy thought when you perceive someone has more than you and it creates negative feelings within you. And asking the Universe or a Source to help you seems as mysterious as praying to a supreme being. The rationale why Law of Attraction is used as a source for all answers comes down to one phrase: like attracts like; which means you should be able to acquire anything you want just by thinking about it or focusing on it.

The reality is this: When changes do not occur and the jealous feelings are not resolved because the desire to make improvements intensifies, most people come to the conclusion there is something else involved other than praying or using thoughts to attract what is wanted. It is a matter of the harder someone tries to bring about changes, and nothing occurs no matter what techniques are used, the greater the frustration becomes. When people turn to religious or New Age teachers they are often taught to wait upon someone or something else to help them, never learning to find the answers on their own. This is not a good place to be when you are already feeling negativity, as jealousy has no positive attributes.

Yes, it is possible to find hundreds of other people who have it worse off than you. But after years of struggle, even that type of thought process is going to hold little value any longer. After a while you simply want it to be your turn. Perhaps you have reached an age where you feel you have gotten too old to now have what you want, and life is about to pass you by. You are not only jealous of those who have more than you have, you are envious of those who are much younger than you who have seemed to figure out the secret to success early on in life.

How do you overcome and manage these emotions? It is going to take more than a quick fix now as a positive affirmation, along with anything which does not get to and address the root cause, will not last long.

This is what I wanted to learn more about as I was connected to the Collective Consciousness of mankind and higher order Universal Wisdom. I will share with you what I have learned about addressing and managing jealousy.

A universal truth is this: Jealousy, or the emotion of feeling envious of another based upon perceived qualities or characteristics, is a purely human condition. In no other living being does this emotional state exist. And why does it exist within humans? Because man is taught to be disconnected from their inner knowing and told to depend upon someone else, any time they need guidance.

This internal disconnection allows man to forget they can find answers to questions about life and as a result, internal turmoil occurs when help is sought and cannot be found. Now man believes someone or something else controls their life and the destiny of each person, which makes it seem as if abundance and well-being is allocated in some manner to each individual. That believe creates the emotion of envy.

Common Misconceptions Creating Frustration

There are many misconceptions about achieving what is wanted in life, especially as related to attaining success, receiving answers to important questions, and gaining help from heavenly or divine sources. These misconceptions are the result of common phrases used and perpetuated by man over time, by motivational speakers and writers, religious leaders, and New Age teachers. When a person is living a life of squalor, abject poverty, or conditions which are less than desirable, and they ask a religious leader or spiritual teacher for answers, it is easier to use a vague phrase than tell people the truth. The belief is that people either do not want the truth or they want hope instead.

The following are examples of vague statements which create misconceptions:

Success is the result of hard work.

Put your trust in the Lord.

Pray and have faith.

God has a plan for your life.

Don't worry because Source has your back.

Trust the Universe to provide what you need.

All will be revealed to you in time.

Good things come to those who wait.

Visualize what you want and it will manifest.

One Law of Attraction teacher tells followers to put their desires into a Vortex and perhaps one day, now or in the future, these wishes will be realized. All of these statements are generalizations and provide a quick and easy way to answer questions about life, when someone believes they have been shortchanged and other people are getting ahead of them. It is easier to tell someone to have faith, or have hope in a higher power, than to be honest with them and tell them about the purpose of their life now. To defer to a supreme being who is not going to respond with an audible sound is to offer nothing more than false hope and platitudes.

Someone who is frustrated and feeling envious will likely not instantaneously change after hearing any of these statements, as the chronic negative emotions are developed over time. More importantly, when someone has reached this point they no longer accept the fact this is what their life is supposed to be and they are a long way from acceptance. Yet acceptance is exactly what is needed by someone who is feeling envious of others and it is acceptance which religious leaders and spiritual teachers fear most.

Teaching Dependency vs. Acceptance

Consider what would happen if you went to a religious leader or spiritual teacher and they did not tell you to pray to, or seek assistance from, a supreme being, Source, Universe, or anyone similar. For someone who is struggling to find answers in life, one of the best responses which could be offered is this: "Where you are at in life right now is where you are meant to be. Life follows a plan, a plan you have already designed. What you can do is to attune or reflect and listen in your mind for the Collective Consciousness of mankind, and then you will be receptive to insight and wisdom."

What is often feared by religious and spiritual leaders is that the advice they provide would be taken and then followers would leave, no longer needing their guidance. It would break the bonds of dependency which keep followers coming back, even when they are not taught how to find answers for themselves. To retain followers there must be a need, which means followers cannot be allowed to think completely on their own, and there also needs to be an element of fear involved for disobeying the required rules.

Finding an Energetic Balance

The emotional reaction of jealousy is an indicator of an internal issue within a person. There is more involved than a person looking at someone else and wishing they could have their career or life. There is a deeper feeling of something missing or being out of place, or even that they have lost control of their life. It is almost a sense of feeling helpless about their life and/or career. Whatever the exact underlying cause may be, it has caused an energetic imbalance. Now the negative energy spectrum is much more active and this means the person will be more susceptible to experiencing other negative emotions and feelings.

In order to manage jealousy, a person must find a way to restore their energetic balance. This can be accomplished when the person has been able to reflect, attune, listen, meditate, or be quiet in some manner. This is when they have the greatest access to endless insight and wisdom. However, restoring this energy balance does take patience and practice, as it requires learning to listen from within rather than from without. It means learning to trust yourself and what you are accessing through your own mind, rather than waiting on someone or something else to make changes for you.

What causes the most important shift in energy restoration is learning about life and the purpose of having a life plan. A person finds energetic balance when they can state with certainty: I am where I am supposed to be at in life, there are no accidents, I know I have a plan for my life, and everything is going according to plan. This removes any negative emotions of envy or jealousy.

Finding Internal Peace and Answers

When a person looks at someone else and it triggers feelings of lack within them, it means there are insecurities and uncertainties which have not been resolved. There is a lack of trust, either in being able to find answers on their own or knowing the plan for their life is on track and unfolding as it should be now. Finding internal peace is about balancing energy within and sustaining it over time. But when someone is dependent upon a religious or spiritual teacher for answers, or they believe they must wait for divine guidance, that internal energy is often disrupted. It is challenging to sustain peace when you do not know how, or you have not learned to, trust the guidance within.

You learn to find answers on your own during moments of quiet and reflection by having a focused question and waiting for insight. A person may find it easier to write in a journal to help the connection with the Collective Consciousness flow. The answers will arrive at first through "aha" moments and flashes of insight so subtle you may not realize how it arrived. But the more you practice, the easier you will find yourself connected to the source of life energy. Soon you will know you can seek answers to any question you have about life, without needing anyone to intervene for you.

Managing Your Jealousy

When a person looks at someone or something else and feels a sense of envy or jealousy, the most important step to take is that of self-assessment. There is an energetic imbalance to consider and something which has triggered a feeling of inadequacy or lack from within. Rather than seek help from someone else, this is a time for reflection and attunement to the Collective Consciousness of mankind to seek insight and wisdom. The desire to want more from life, to better yourself, to achieve more, and to have dreams is part of living a life of purpose. But it comes about not through comparisons, rather it develops according to the plan for your life.

The more you are attuned to your life's plan, listening for insight from within, and maintaining a balanced energetic state, the more you will find you are in control of your life and the outcomes you experience. Look forward to the life you have planned and what you will learn along the way. While there will always be degrees of lives who are better and worse than yours, your life is perfect.

Dr. J's mission is to teach, write, and inspire others as an educator, author, writer, mentor, and teacher.

Dr. J writes blog posts, articles, and books to inform, inspire, and empower readers.

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