Is America In Danger of Repeating The Past?

By Sharron April Lee

I am a single woman of a certain age and have seen more than a few presidents. Some were effectual some were not. But there was always a respect for the office itself. People respected the President of the United States, like the Brits respect the Queen. In the United States, the office has been sullied. It is supposed to be the place where we elect the people who will serve our best interests. We being the people who pay the taxes.

We also are supposed to be a country of diversity and a melting pot of immigrants looking for a better life in America. This should not be a partisan issue but a bipartisan one.

This should be an America where all are welcome. Most immigrants want to be legalized, but cannot afford the representation or fees associated with accomplishing that goal.

Though I hear that the job market has rebounded, I personally can say in my life it has not. I was a mortgage processor, and since the crash it has been almost impossible to find a full time job where I can pay my bills and maybe save for my retirement. I am single, I cannot imagine how a family makes ends meet. Because of the way the job market has changed, I had to think outside the box and start my own website. I also went back to school which was paid for when Obama was in office by Workforce.

I am an American, and I have trouble finding full time out side work. I cannot imagine if I had to find a job without documentation. Where is the mercy? The jobs most immigrants work, American's would not do. I know from experience that they are the hardest working people. They appreciate what they have and are always smiling even though sometimes they work over 80 hours a week. I get humbled by them.

Since the election, the man in office has tried to decimate the office in every way possible. People who are hardworking people paying taxes and are being separated from families after being in this country for years without having commit any crimes because the man in office believes all immigrants are murders, and deviants. How can you slam people on Twitter just because they do not agree with you?

The KKK is back and racism at an all-time high. Is this our America now? Have we lost all humanity? We as a people need to get out there and vote for our rights. Vote for healthcare that will not cripple our wallets. Vote for a new tax deal that really will help the middle class. We the people have power. We are the voice of change. If not now when?

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