Balancing Costs And Values: 3 Leadership Options

By Richard Brody

Effective leadership planning must emphasize, balancing the costs/ expenses, as opposed to, the value provided! This dedication to, producing the best, bang - for - the - buck, often, distinguishes between achieving the most applicable results, which have the best potential, to achieving the finest, most applicable results! Far too often, pseudo - leaders, only consider expenditures, based on how they relate to previous years, but, a quality, prepared, responsible leader, realizes and recognizes, there is also a need, to perceive a group's budgeting and spending, based on providing viable value, focused on the best interests of the organization. With that in mind, this article will attempt to briefly review, and examine, 3 options.

1. Least expensive: While there may be times, when there might be a need, for temporary, draconian reductions in spending, generally, this strategy is somewhat catastrophic, for the sustainability of the organization! There is, often, a need, for reducing expenses/ costs, how it's done, is the key component. Only when the goal, is, achieving, the most bang - for - the - buck, is true leadership, exhibited! It's important to produce budgets, focused on doing what's best, and most relevant, rather than simply, making across - the - board, reductions! To do this properly, one must seriously, utilize, zero - based - budgeting, examining every non - contractual expenditure, based on whether it is directing the group's funds, effectively, and efficiently!

2. Value: Examine, the value, both, perceived, and actual, of every expenditure, and consider options and alternatives, in light of doing so, in a meaningful manner! Never overlook the values, and mission, of the organization, in order to temporarily, save some money, but, rather, focus every measure, based on a combination of relevance and sustainability!

3. Balance of both: When groups have well - prepared, effective leaders, there is a focus, on addressing current issues, and obstacles, not, in a reactive way, but, rather, in a proactive manner, focused on achieving the finest results, which may have the potential, for addressing obstacles, as challenges, rather than problems, and seeking viable solutions, which prioritize spending, in every category, and area, to achieve, the best balance! Because so few, take the budgeting process, seriously, and, far too often, someone says, it takes too much time and effort, or there isn't enough savings, they fail to realize, fiscal responsibility, should be based, on, across - the - board, smaller reductions, and efficiencies, rather than seeking, merely, the major cuts!

Achieving the best results, even in trying times, requires effective leadership, which is ready, willing and able, to address fiscal challenges, with an open - mind, and realistic, responsible perspective! Will you be ready and prepared, for this task?

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website and Plan2lead can also be followed on Facebook

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