Stop and Smell the Coffee - A Happiness View to Creating Wealth

Those of you who follow my articles and blog will know that I tend to reiterate that happiness comes before wealth. You won't be happy once you've achieved something but rather you will achieve your goals once you are happy!

It's a small distinction that makes all the difference.

Being happy in your own life has the effect of putting your mind, body and soul in the right state to achieve your goals. Simple!

Even if you're one of those people who read something like the above and think - 'hogwash', what have you truly got to lose by trying it?

Are you so shackled to being a miserable grump that you cannot stomach that there are alternatives?

This morning, while waiting for my coffee at one of my favorite coffee shops I was discussing with someone else waiting in line. I can't even recall the actual full conversation but one sentence in particular stood out for me. This person turned to me and with a dead-straight face said 'When you get to a certain age, you are who you are. There's no changing that.' To say I was completely floored is an understatement. Here was a person who would have been lucky to be 30 in my opinion pretty much stating that they had learned everything in life that they needed to and weren't even willing to consider any change in their lives. This, straight after they had been bitching about their job, the morning commute, the weather and their lives in general - to a total stranger!

This is the type of conditioning and environment that we all experience, each and every day!

Miserable outlook on life equals a miserable outcome.

Most of us look forward to the 'big hits of happiness' that come about in our lives. That's totally natural, however studies have shown that no matter how much money or material wealth you have, the things that make us happiest on a day-to-day basis are the small things.

From the very first moment you wake up set your foundation for the day. Today is a good day. Take some time to just be you in the morning - the emails can wait. Recall those things that you are grateful for. Relive them in your mind. Smile. Savor that coffee without thinking about a million other things, they can wait.

Once you've kicked off your day with this foundation, keep at it. Don't let the grind of what needs doing right now have any impact on your happiness. Remember that your happiness cannot be controlled by others unless you give them the power to. Another Simples!

So what does all this have to do with wealth? I'm glad I asked.

There have been numerous studies performed by reputable organizations and schools studying wealth and the creation of wealth. Without failure all of these studies showed that those who actually ended up creating the wealth that they were after, were mostly happy in their lives even before the wealth was created!

This happiness, the joy of living actually helped these individuals tackle the obstacles that came their way - the same way that you and I will experience obstacles. Their foundation of happiness and a total belief in what they were trying to achieve propelled them straight through these obstacles like they weren't even there - alternatively, they looked for ways around them.

They didn't wait to be happy until they reached a certain goal. They were happy at each and every step along the journey.

Remember, Life isn't a destination it's a journey. Enjoy, be happy and grateful for every step in the journey that takes you closer to your goals. The happier you are now, the easier the next steps are.

It's your choice, choose happiness, health and wealth or choose to be miserable and a spectator in your own life's journey.

Choose. Choose Now!

This article and a few others that I have recently written are actually part of a book that I am currently writing - well, the ideas behind them are anyways. The book delves much deeper into understanding Wealth, Happiness and your Purpose in Life.
Drop me a message if you're interested in reading a pre-release version of the book!

I'd love to hear your feedback.

My crazy world has included successfully combining all the skills of a artist, photographer, designer, programmer, and marketer into one crazy life.

I'm available for guest blogging, article writing and speaking events.

~ Frank

Tazz 1 Pty Ltd

Follow me in my crazy world via my site
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 By Frank Perez

Article Source: Stop and Smell the Coffee - A Happiness View to Creating Wealth

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