Reduce Eye Strain With This Rapid Reading Technique

When it comes to caring for your eyes one of the critical factors that you need to take into consideration is relieving stress and tension in the visual system. This is due to the fact that stress, tension and strain in the eyes causes poor vision.Therefore, the key to improve vision health is to eliminate eye strain. Many people express concern about the fact that while reading their eyes tend to feel strained and tensed. There are some eye relaxation techniques that you can put into practice in order to correct this problem. This includes practicing good visual habits while reading. An example of such a technique is to get into the habit of looking up from your close up work for 8-10 seconds for every 20 minute interval. However, there are other eye relaxation eye exercises that are helpful in eliminating this problem. Therefore, if relieving eye strain while reading is a main concern that you have here are some tips that you can put into practice while reading to relieve eye strain:

Most people are used to reading in such a way that they are only focusing on the individual words on the printed material that they are reading. However, this traditional type of reading actually induces eye strain and tension in the eye muscles. This increase in tension and strain in the eyes eventually leads to bad or blurry eyesight. It is not the activity itself of reading that causes vision problems, it is however, the way that we use our eyes when we are reading that determines whether or not we are doing something to improve our vision health or worsen it. Considering the fact that traditional ways of reading by staring at the words continuously can induce eye strain and blurry eyesight, the key is to learn a new reading technique that helps to relax the eyes and release stress and tension in the visual system. This can actually improve vision health and increase eyesight.

Here is a reading technique that will help you to relax the eye muscles and relieve stress and tension in the eyes. Instead of reading by focusing on the words in the printed material you are reading get into the habit of reading by focusing on the spaces between the lines or margins instead of focusing on the lines themselves. The reason for this is that reading while focusing on the words causes the eyes to become tired, strained and induces poor eyesight. Reading while focusing on the spaces between the lines with a sweeping focus from line to line and margin to margin is an effortless activity for the eyes that induces relaxation, causes rapid reading and improves eyesight. This is due to the fact that looking at a white background or white space while reading releases stress and tension in the eye muscles and improves vision health.

My name is Joel King and I am a City College Broadcasting graduate and natural vision improvement success story. I enjoy writing helpful articles based on my course of studies at City College, and the knowledge, research and experience I have gained from trying natural eyesight improvement alternatives to glasses and contacts. Reduce or even eliminate your dependency on glasses with this effective natural vision care program that shows you how to relieve eye strain and also teaches eye relaxation reading techniques to soothe the eyes and improve vision. Also, enjoy the easy to follow vision exercise techniques that lead to clearer, sharper, better, natural vision without glasses Visit: today!

 By Joel Travers King

Article Source: Reduce Eye Strain With This Rapid Reading Technique

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