Getting Through It: Mindfulness Meditation for Pain Relief

Surgery was yesterday. The pain isn't too bad. It's tolerable, not as bad as I expected; yet, the pain still dictates my movement, actually, lack it. What can I do besides medication?

I found mindfulness meditation almost perfect. I use the word almost because any meditation takes practice. What I liked about this particular process was it was fast and easy.

The most it takes me is one or two minutes. I can even complete this at a stop light or in a grocery store line.

The purpose of this meditation, actually all meditation, is to focus on your breathing while keeping your mind open and clear. Different from the type of meditation I previously learned and found difficult to complete; where I needed a comfortable position, took more time and required me to learn to blank my mind. In this process you allow your mind to feel the pain or be open to whatever is playing in your thoughts. Just allow the flow.

The steps are easy.

Like any meditation practice, you want to relax any tension. Begin with one body section or one the muscle at a time. It doesn't matter which part and doesn't necessarily need to begin with the place of pain. Begin with your shoulders or maybe your back. You begin wherever emerges in your mind first. Feel the tension there and say in your mind, "go away now" and watch the tension release immediately.

After my foot surgery three months earlier, while I was at a stop light, I would briefly close my eyes, yes, briefly, picture my feet dangling off the side of my bed before touching the floor, began with wiggling a toe progressing up to my ankle -- methodologically. If the light changed I postponed to the next light and continued or start again. Eventually, as Tony Robbins, the motivational trainer, and a friend, also known as Anthony Robbins, taught me and millions of others, on how to create a "whoosh" feeling for this to dissipate within a split second -- one whoosh, the flash, and the immediate release. Yep, all gone in a second.

Accept any thoughts, feelings, and/or emotions that enter your mind. Don't push something up or back. Just allow and accept what is there. Sometimes when I'm driving I write them on a cloud while stopped if driving or more easily while riding and watch it drift away.

By now you may be thinking this may work just as well for anything painful going on in your life, not just physical pain and you would be right. It does. This works especially well when I write it on a cloud and allow the breeze take it away.

Like all meditation, breathing is important. You do want to notice how you are breathing, more so before you begin, but not necessarily during. Pay attention to the rise and fall of your chest or belly, not necessarily both. This doesn't take but another second or two.

Practicing mindfulness meditation and using it during a painful event can make a difference on your recovery as well. Even when I get a pedicure and she is digging into a hang nail I use this practice; however, I do recommend using the baby teething numbing medication to aid in the pain.

 By Catherine Franz

Article Source: Getting Through It: Mindfulness Meditation for Pain Relief

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