Feeling Better About the Day - How to Wake Up Early in the Morning

Typically, the alarm clock rings and the struggle between your willpower and that horrible sound that forces you out of bed begins. Which ruins any attempt to get up early again.

For life, I have been part of those who pray for "5 more minutes in the bed" and multiply 20 times postponing the alarm again and again. At last, wake up and get out of bed like a zombie (with the feeling of not having enough rest).

But there are studies and research that conclude that getting up earlier, around 5:30 in the morning, has its great benefits. Here is a summary of the benefits of getting up early and having a ritual in the morning, plus the best strategies for getting you to wake up earlier.

These are the advantages of being a "morning person."

Research suggests that if there are biological differences between "people of tomorrow," they wake up at the same time every day and feel more active around 9 am, and "night people" who manage to do more things once That the sun is hiding.

However, a point for the morning people is that they can get better effectiveness and quality of work waking up early, unlike the "night owls." According to self-reports from college students, those who wake up earlier feel more optimistic, proactive and have better grades. Other studies have found that morning people tend to be more productive and focused than night owls. Researchers also suggest that memory and concentration during the day improve when you sleep.

Physical impact

Being a morning person can be really good for your health, and even if you do not believe, it can be good at controlling your weight. When British researchers questioned some adults about their sleep habits, they found that people who stay under the sheets for a longer time are more likely to live with stress, overweight, and depression than those who wake up at 7 a.m.

Another study found that waking up late makes you more prone to being sedentary and therefore being overweight, compared to those who wake up early. Also, stopping earlier is more advantageous for your schedules and your daily routine. Usually, the working day usually starts around 9 in the morning, and the office (usually) will not open at midnight.

The problem to get up early is not in your mornings.

Enough sleep means sleeping on average 7 to 8 hours a day. It is now known that this number decreases as age increases. This occurs due to changes in circadian cycles, better known as biological clocks.

If you are part of the average adult group, it means that there is no reason to sleep less than 7 hours a day. It is also very likely that this will also help you get up early without being sleepy (and even without an alarm clock).

How can I get up earlier?

Remember that the most important thing is to incorporate new habits, and to do this you have to follow the steps. Once you have mastered the first, you can continue to the next and so on. Before you start these steps, you need to visualize your ideal tomorrow.

This is important so that you always keep in mind the real reason why you want to wake up early, which motivates you to be consistent. Also, you can have a ritual in the morning in which you do the following, helping you to create the habit.

After having your coffee, you close your eyes, meditate and spend five minutes to thank for life

Write positive affirmations of why you love to get up early and how great your day will be

Visualize and attract the life you dream

Exercise a little

Read a few minutes, books to help you grow

More tips for waking up early

Sleep earlier. Use an alarm that reminds you when to go to bed so you can rest for at least seven hours.

Set your alarm five minutes early. Setting your alarm 5 minutes earlier or even just 2 minutes earlier generates a sense of triumph, which motivates you to continue with larger goals, such as waking up 15 or 30 minutes earlier.

Lift up as soon as the alarm sounds. Setting the alarm earlier is only meant to be. Because the real challenge begins, when you have to get out of bed without postponing that alarm over and over again. Everything here is a matter of will.

Do something to reward yourself for getting out of bed like the ritual we showed you earlier.

Keep a record. For it to become a habit, you have to wake up at the agreed time every day (re-read that phrase). One way to know if you have succeeded or not is simply to keep a daily log.

Just dare, you will surely see the changes and benefits of creating the habit of getting up early. I personally loved it, and I feel more productive now.

 By Andreas Kal

Article Source: Feeling Better About the Day - How to Wake Up Early in the Morning

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