Chakra Malas, Cosmic Focuses Of Energy

We are all beings of energy and part of this beautiful universe. The colors of the chakras or the seven cosmic energy centers in the body are related to the colors of the rainbow: violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, red. Much as all colors combine into purest white of the thousand petaled lotus, so also the energy centers are tuned up to access our supreme consciousness. Chakras are primal cosmic focuses of energy in the human vitality field. Situated along the central path of the body from the base of the spine to the highest point of the head, chakras are concentrations of vital prana that are always in motion, balancing the energies with the auras of the universe.

Violet is the shade of the Crown chakra, also known as Sahasrara the seat of infinite consciousness with the brilliance of the sun. Where the conscious breath merges into the infinite realm of Shiva. This chakra is situated at the highest point of the head. The Crown chakra is connected to the crown of the head, sensory system, and the cerebrum, and is illustrative of pure thought and action, eternal, Divine existence. This chakra associates one with the endless cognizance and the supernatural source. Opening this chakra will help take advantage of a profound cosmic understanding where the Shiva and Shakti merge as non-duality. Gemstone mala beads that will help the Crown chakra is the sphatik or clear quartz.

Indigo: The shade of the Brow or Third-Eye chakra, otherwise called Ajna. This chakra is situated between the eye temples the seat of unfolding of the soul. Wisdom and clear conscious thought liberates us from pain. To be able to see clearly your actions and the those of others without judgement but with apathy leads to awakening of the Kundalinī. We are who we are and part of the inclusive obviousness. Opening this chakra can help to clear insight, instinct, trustworthiness. The Sapphire japa mala relates to the Ajna Chakra.

Blue: The shade of the Throat chakra, otherwise called Visuddhi is related to purification and balancing which can be energized through pranayama or regulated breathing.This chakra is situated in the throat or larynx where the vibrations of sound are created into mantras. Just as mantras are soothing and healing vibrations, hurtful words not only harm the other but yourself as well. Control or balancing the throat chakra will lead to spiritual purification creating channels for great worldly communication. Opening the Throat chakra enhances psychic hearing. Gemstone malas that will help the Throat chakra incorporate turquoise, blue lapis, sodalite.

Green: The shade of the Heart chakra, otherwise called Anahata where the subconscious unfolds and there is a gamut of emotions. This chakra is connected to the heart, lungs, circulatory framework, and cardiovascular plexus. The Heart Chakra conquers any hindrance between the physical and profound universe. Realization and knowledge of the self lead to Inner Healing. Opening the Heart chakra permits a man to love more, sympathize, feel empathy. Gemstones yoga malas that will help the Heart chakra incorporate emerald, tourmaline, aventurine, malachite, rose quartz.

Yellow: The shade of the Solar Plexus chakra, otherwise called Manipura. This chakra is situated in the stomach zone and is the abode of clarity, wisdom, self-confidence and well being. The seat of food and digestion Manipuri chakra is the fire to our soul, the sacred power. Vibrations from food are carried inwards to our chakras, here we have the power to remove negative thoughts. The Solar Plexus chakra is illustrative of imperative action and self awareness. At the point when this chakra is open, it enables a man to locate his own quality, transforming dreams and objectives into reality. Gemstone mala beads and bracelets that will help the Solar Plexus chakra incorporate golden, topaz, citrine, yellow jasper.

Orange: The shade of the Sacral chakra, otherwise called Svadhisthana is the seat of subconsciousness, between sleeping and being awake.,and is the activation seat of Karmas. This chakra is situated between the coccyx and sacrum. The Sacral Chakra is connected to the sexual organs of procreation. Letting go of the past, the ego that hold onto experiences and judgmental action, it is here that the kundalini starts is ascent. Opening this chakra will free will power and the vigor of concentrated action. Gemstone yoga malas that will help the Sacral chakra incorporate carnelian, coral, orange jasper, orange jade.

Red: The shade of the Root chakra, otherwise called Muladhara, the starting of our spiritual development. This chakra is situated at the base of the spine and permits us to be grounded, where the kundalini shakti sleeps in a deep, dormant state. The seat of the unconscious, the root chakra is where we assess our reality and purification of the spiritual energy begins. Gemstone mala beads and yoga beads that will help the Root chakra incorporate ruby, garnet, smokey quartz, obsidian, hematite and onyx.

Meditations beads, yantras, chakra mala, yoga pants and spiritual decor at

 By Era Chandok

Article Source: Chakra Malas, Cosmic Focuses Of Energy

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