Type 2 Diabetes - Are These Three "Healthy" Foods Raising Your Blood Sugar Levels?

As you go about managing your Type 2 diabetes, it is important you stop and consider all the foods you are eating, as some may not be quite as healthy as you had hoped. Many people get caught up in the notion of thinking if food is not processed and is in its natural condition it must mean it is a healthy choice. And, for the most part, it is.

But a few food choices are managing to slip under the radar. Let's take a closer look at three seemingly healthy foods Type 2 diabetics should consider passing on...

1. Milk. Milk is often touted as providing plenty of calcium for strong bones and also offers a good dose of protein. Seems great, right? Well, not so fast. The bigger issue with milk happens to be the sugar content. While no sugar is added, milk is naturally high in lactose and can contain up to nearly 10 grams per cup.

When milk is pasteurized, the process turns lactose into beta-lactose: sugar that is quickly absorbed into our bloodstream.

If you drink three glasses of milk each day - one with each meal as is often recommended by food guides, this is around 30 grams of sugar a day, which is more than most people diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes should be consuming on a daily basis.

Try unsweetened almond milk instead.

2. Carrots. Carrots are another food to be careful of. Now, you do not need to avoid carrots entirely. In moderation, they can be a healthy and delicious part of your healthy eating plan. But if you serve yourself a cup of boiled carrots, these have a decent GI rating and pack in an unnecessary dose of sugar.

Cooking carrots tend to increase the GI (glycemic index) ranking, so if you are going to eat carrots, consider eating them raw. And whatever you do, don't peel your carrots. The skin contains most of the fiber, which will help lower the GI value.

3. Bran Flakes. Bran flakes are another food to be on the lookout for. Here again, many people believe bran flakes are a nutritious way to start their day, but this is not the case. The fact is, bran flakes may contain just as much sugar, if not more, than some of the sugary cereals out there. With up to 10 grams per serving, or more depending on the brand, it is one food to pass on.

Keep these foods in mind as you go about preparing your eating plan. They may seem like the healthy choice where your blood sugar levels are concerned, but the reality is they are not, especially for someone who is dealing with Type 2 diabetes.

Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.

For nearly 25 years, Beverleigh Piepers has searched for and found a number of secrets to help you build a healthy body. Go to http://DrugFreeType2Diabetes.com to learn about some of those secrets.

The answer isn't in the endless volumes of    available information but in yourself.

 By Beverleigh H Piepers

Article Source: Type 2 Diabetes - Are These Three "Healthy" Foods Raising Your Blood Sugar Levels?

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