How Can I Observe, Prevent and Treat Dengue?

The harmful viral disease that crops up in tropical areas whose transmission is carried out by mosquitoes, by which we suffer from sudden fever and severe joint pain is termed as Dengue. It is the most common disorder of the present times. Now we will discuss its symptoms, prevention and treatment in the following manner.

There are certain symptoms of Dengue by which we can easily predict the disorder. The symptoms of Dengue are explained in the following way.

High Fever
Fever is the common disorder, but high fever is the symptom of Dengue. In other words, when a person is suffering from high fever, then it is the probability that he is in the trap of this disease.

Intense Sweating
Sweating is good for our health, but intense sweating is the sign of this disease. Therefore, if a person is facing intense sweating then we should go for diagnostic tests for this disease.

Joint Pain
Joint pain is the common problem, but it should not be neglected as it is the sign of this illness which is serious.

Vomiting and Nausea
Vomiting and nausea are the signs of many diseases, but they are also the signs of this illness which should be diagnosed as soon as possible.

Loss in Appetite
Food is necessary for our body. It provides energy to the body. Loss in appetite is the indication of this illness.

Low Blood Pressure
To get a healthy life our blood pressure should be normal. Low blood pressure is the sign of this malady.

Rashes on skin
This malady can be diagnosed by observing the indication of rashes on the skin.

If our hands and feet are getting swollen then it is the consequence of this sickness. On serious condition blood platelets and blood pressure get lowered down to pinpoint.

As this sickness is dangerous for our body, so some sort of precautions should be taken to avoid this sickness. These precautions are as follows.

We should avoid the visit to tropical or sub-tropical areas as these areas are much more subjected to this malady.

1. Water storage should be improved.
2. Waste should be disposed properly.
3. Water stagnancy should be avoided strictly.
4. Mosquito repellents that use to be used should entail 10 per cent DEET, but we 5.should also read warning label with due care. Mosquito repellents such as marigold and lemon grass should be used.
5. Dark coloured clothes should be avoided as dark shades attract mosquitoes. Light coloured clothes of full sleeves should be worn.

There is no particular medicine to treat this disorder. The juice of pomegranate and other liquid diet should be taken to recover and cure it. Ample of rest should be taken to get recover from this malady. Acetaminophen and codeine should be taken for joint pain and severe headache.

Among different hospitals in India which are curing Dengue, Apollo Hospital Bangalore is one of them. Due care of patients is taken in Apollo Hospital Bangalore.

 By Amit Saraswat

Article Source: How Can I Observe, Prevent and Treat Dengue?

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