Threesomes Photo

A story that tells about a young man whose hobby is riding a motorcycle. Just call him Andra. He is in the 11th grade of high school. He was a diligent young man, devout to religion, and difficult in romantic relationships. He always poured his heart out to his two best friends Yalsa and Raden. It was December that he was conducting exams at his school. After the long exam he passed, the semester break came too.

"Yes!!!, finally finished the exam" Yalsa
exclaimed "Yes, bodo is very similar to my grades, the important thing is that it has been all done, there is no burden on the mind" said Raden
"Monday tomorrow is already off, what event do you have?" Andra asked "
Chances are it" the two of them replied

After a not long conversation, they left the classroom, and went home soon. On the way home Andra had an idea to sunmori on sunday tomorrow. After arriving at Andra's house, immediately wash her hands and feet and then she rushed to open her cellphone.

Andra: "Cuy if we're going to have sunmori tomorrow, how about it?"
Raden: "It's okay, where are you going?"
Andra: "When you go to Malang?"
Yalsa: "I'll just follow it, my bike is always ready" Raden: "Yaudah ndra, just go to Malang" Yalsa: "At 7 o'clock, just go to my house first" Andra: "Okay, just gas"

Sunday morning Andra got ready, wearing as cool an outfit as possible for people on the street to see. At 7:15 a.m. they gathered. The sound of their motor exhaust wailing awakened the residents who were still sleeping.

"Aren't you leaving?" said Yalsa, who had just come out of her house.
"Gas me first" Andra said leaving them first. Then followed by Raden and Yalsa. On the way they became the center of attention of the people around, riding sports bikes, fullface helmets, wearing shirts, very charming. Especially in the women must be fascinated when they see them.

Andra's watch showed that at 09.23, they had arrived at malang city square. It was cool and fresh there. Many vendors sell toys, food, and snacks around the square

"Ndra, let's have a coffee there first" Raden invited while taking off his
helmet "Yes ndra, take a break first" continued Yalsa
"Okay, come on" Andra replied, she parked her motorcycle far away with the Cafe to go to. After arriving, it turned out that the café was full, they moved to another Cafe.

"What message are you guys? I treat ya, every once in a while hehe" Andra asked, scratching her head
"Tumben is not stingy, I'm just cappucino like usual" Yalsa
replied "Me too" Raden continued

Minute by minute they passed by with jokes. Adhan dhuhur had been chanting, they immediately headed to the nearest mosque to perform prayers.

"Ehh my mother called ya, it's been 3 missed calls" Raden said while opening his cellphone "Just call again, who knows important
" said Andra

Raden was busy chatting with his mother while Andra and Yalsa were busy with their own cellphones.

"I want to go home first, yes, told to go home with my mother, there is an event" said Raden
"Emm we take pictures first to make memories" said Yalsa
"Yes, it's the time from earlier the mulu motorcycle that was photographed, once in a while the person hehe" continued Andra
"Yaudah let's take a picture, what selfie is it?" Raden asked "
Just take a selfie so you can get it fast, later if you take your mother's case" Andra
replied Then they also took a photo of the three of them with Raden's position in the middle. After a few photos they took, Raden finally went home first. Andra and Yalsa will also be home soon.

"What do you plan to do tomorrow?" asked Yalsa
"Don't know yet, just look at it later I will give you news" Andra
replied "Well, if you stay at home, you must be really bored, you can enter a mental hospital hehehe" "Ahh there's nothing you sa"

They rushed home, judging from the weather, it was also less favorable when they continued to hang out. While walking to the motorcycle parking lot, Yalsa discovered a myth on the veranda of her cellphone.

"Ndra I found a myth, he said that if the photo of the three people in the middle will die sooner" "People used to talk about it, I've forgotten it" "Yes, even though it's people's talk in the past, there must be a reason, and maybe it's not good for us" "But the Raden was in the middle just now, afraid he was why" "Yaudah, let's just chase him"

They rode their bikes fast. It wasn't long before they found the crowd, Andra immediately parked her bike then approached the crowd. It turned out to be an accident. Andra is in shock, it turns out that the victim is Raden his own best friend. Raden had a tragic accident. There were many injuries on his body. Blood is pouring everywhere

Yalsa immediately called an ambulance. No citizen dared to help Raden. Andra and Yalsa are also just waiting for the arrival of the ambulance. They don't know what to do. They were very confused. Finally, Yalsa decided to take Raden to the side of the road first. Raden's motor was completely destroyed.

"Sir, what is the chronology just now?" Andra
asked "This guy was riding a very fast motorcycle, then the tank slap the motorbike. Eventually this masnya hit the pavement. The motorbike bounced onto the tree, the masnya to the asphalt" a resident replied

I don't know why the ambulance is so slow to come. Yalsa tried to call repeatedly. The ambulance only replied on the way. Due to the slow pace of help, Raden finally breathed his last. Andra and Yalsa cried hysterically there.

After a long time the ambulance came. Carrying Raden's body to a nearby hospital.


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