
The sun shone scorching above my head. The hot and dry atmosphere made my body sweat incessantly. I glanced briefly at the watch on my left hand. At 13:00. It means that I have been looking for my younger brother for almost an hour, but I never found it.
Ah, surely he went to chase the kite again until he forgot the time to eat. My grumble

My little brother, Daffa likes to play so much that he forgets the time. Once upon a time, he came home after a magrib in mud-stained clothes. When asked where he came from, he instead smiled innocently saying he overslept in the garden. Just not knowing the action made me and mom bother looking for it everywhere.

My whole body was scalded by the sunlight. I could feel my shirt getting wet with sweat. My vision was a little blurry and my throat was very dry. It seems that I have been looking for Daffa for too long in the sun.

My legs now started walking back towards the house. I'll look for Daffa after a short break. I kept going step by step until I stopped at a house. The small house with mango trees is a bit big in his yard. Although it is said to be simple, in fact, it is in this house that I build up the memories of my life one by one.

I slowly opened the wooden door. As soon as I entered I was immediately greeted by the fragrant fragrance of mother's cooking wafting through the room. The fragrance full of spices with a slight smell of chili made my stomach scream of hunger.

With a pleased pace I walked merrily into the kitchen. I can see the figure of the old lady struggling in front of the stove. I smiled and shouted.

At my screams mom gasped in shock. He saw me rubbing his chest. Hehe. Forgive this kid of yours who likes to be ignorant, mom.

"I've been waiting for sono gih, wash your hands so that we eat meat" "
Wow meat!"

Just the word meat, was able to make me exclaim happily. I just live with my mother and sister. Meanwhile, my father went nowhere. He never sent messages, he never even sent money for our needs. So it's only natural that we save money to reduce monthly expenses.

For our family like this, meat has become a luxury food that is rarely consumed.

I can already imagine the delicious meat mixed with spices and seasonings in my mouth. I quickly ran to the bathroom to wash my hands. I want to eat the meat right away.

I was so excited to eat the meat made by mom. The meat with the soup full of spices and vegetables made me forget for a moment the disappearance of Daffa. I ate so eagerly, that I didn't notice my mother's strange expression when she watched me eat.

Ugh. I had full phlegm. The meat made by mom is indeed very good. Although the texture is a bit strange but, it is very tasty.

The thought of tender meat put together with all sorts of vegetables makes me want to eat again. Especially when adding warm rice and chili sauce. Ah~ really the enjoyment of the world.

While waiting for the food to digest I thought about Daffa. Just now when I told Daffa was missing, mom just replied it was okay. Maybe mom is used to Daffa who likes to be a fool.
However, still I am worried as her brother. Isn't mom too casual?

Thinking about that, I recalled remembering the mother figure who was the backbone of the family. I loved mom as a child. And I intend to continue to be filial to him of course. Mom was the one who gave birth to me and raised me after all. Moreover, his struggle to fight for our lives even with his mentality being a little disturbed.

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However, there are some things I don't know about mom. Mom sometimes works for the sake of earning an income but I don't know what mom works as. Besides, when it comes to mom's weirdness, I remember when I accidentally caught mom doing something strange near a mango tree. Like sowing flowers around a tree on certain nights.

And even more surprisingly there is one room in the house that is strictly forbidden by the mother to enter. The room was located at the corner of the house. A room with a deep floral fragrance and should not be entered by anyone other than mother.

My curiosity always rises when I think of this room. The mother who sowed flowers under the tree and the mother who didn't let anyone into a room were very suspicious. If this is linked, there may be one thing that can be broken.


But I don't want to be surprised. There's no way mom can do that. Moreover, the mother is a fairly strict person in normal religion. But... it is possible that mom will do that... Right?

I was speechless. The more I think about it the more curious I get. Like a child curious about something new, I was intrigued by the secret that mom kept. If I'm not mistaken, mom left some time ago, right? Then I can easily see the contents of the room!

As if getting a brilliant idea I immediately rushed towards the room. Slowly I watched around. Mom doesn't seem to be coming back anytime soon. Strengthening my resolve for a while, I then opened the door little by little.

As soon as the door opened, only darkness could be seen. The room was so dark that nothing could be seen clearly. The black wallpaper installed makes it even more difficult for light to enter here.

My heart was beating fast. Again the power of my intention to enter here. Slowly I walked in. When I just took a few steps, I felt that my foot was stepping on something. I crouched slightly at what I stepped on. At the same time I was surprised.

The thing I stepped on was Daffa's toy train. But why is the train stained with red ink? This sticky red ink is like... blood.

Instantly my body fell into a stiff silence. Only when I noticed it, there was a faint smell of fishy blood and the stench of carrion falling in the air, tickling my nose.

I frantically ran to the wall, looking for a light switch. As soon as the lights were turned on, my body froze even more stiffly. This room is not completely black. The wallpaper is mixed with dried dark red blood.

Moreover, small pieces of meat were scattered on the floor. I could see something similar to *** in a bucket by the table. Not to mention the piece shaped like a child's **** beside the bucket. I took a step back. My whole body screamed, saying I must get out of this room as soon as possible! But my legs were glued still in shock with the sight I saw.

This scene is both terrifying and disgusting. Without being able to control my body was shaking. Tears also began to reminisce in the corners of my eyes. In the blurred vision I could see from the corner of the room the shirt Daffa was wearing this morning. The blue shirt with the cartoon character in front of him has now been torn in half. Just like his toy train, the clothes were also splashed with blood.

I cried even more. Daffa is not missing. He—

My originally shaking body suddenly froze when I heard the sound of closing the door. There is only one person who can get in and out of this room easily. Mother. Knowing who came in made me tremble in fear again. Mom must have been very angry when she found out I sneaked in here without her permission.

With a trembling body I turned slowly. Behind mom wasn't as angry as I thought. Mom just smiled from ear to ear. It was so wide that I thought his lips were almost torn.

"Mother! I-I—!"
I hadn't had time to finish my sentence, mom slowly walked in front of me. He then whispered in my ear. Her soft voice slipped beautifully like music into my hearing, in contrast to its very unexpected content.
"Daffa is still alive. The proof is that he is in your stomach anyway."

What? I was speechless trying to digest mom's point. Daffa is in my stomach? What does that mean? It seemed to know that I was being hit by confusion, mom said again.

"The meat was good, wasn't it?"

Only then did I realize mom's meaning. The meat I ate, meat with a different texture than chicken or beef. It's not animal meat. It's flesh—man.

As soon as I realized it, I immediately squatted down to take out all my entrails. The nausea I had been feeling and my mother's words made me spit out the food I had been eating. I kept spitting out the contents of my stomach until my eyes were watering.

In the vomit, you can still see leftover meat that has not had time to be digested. I crouched down crying and kept feeling sick. I ate my sister's meat by myself. I'd like to believe this is just a sleeping flower and not reality. But as if laughing at me, the smell of blood constantly dancing merrily around me pierced my sense of smell.

My tears flowed freely again. I want to tear my own stomach, I want to pretend that I don't know what's going on! I want my peaceful life back! I kept crying until a hand patted me on the shoulder.

I forgot. Being too busy denying reality I forgot that I wasn't alone in this room. I looked up to see my mother's face. The soft face was still the same as the mother I knew but at the same time the mother's face looked unfamiliar. His always smiling lips openly uttered words. His words sounded like punitive orders for my mischief.

"You really love Daffa, right? Do you want mom to help you meet him?"


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