Predatory Arrogance and Primal Subservience - Part 2

By Randy Gonzalez

Predatory arrogance within the collusions of primal subservience contends a perspective of collective maladaptive behaviors. Across the broad spectrum of social intercourse, the abusers willingly, by free exercise of deliberate malevolence, inflict harm upon others. Smugly pious, skillfully manipulative, and self-righteously deceptive, predators hunt for prey. However, there are the few who fight back. Nonetheless, subtle and overt, those who perpetrate predation upon other people, contrive oppressive actions by myriad ways. From academia to political processes, the victimization works up and down a scale of regressive purposes to ensure power and domination.

Seemingly benign, appearing harmless and superficially helpful, mass marketing actions is one example of such predatory practices. All too often, in the pretentious gullibility of intentional stupidity, many easily accept incidents like murder, rape, robbery and acts of terrorism as manifestations of predatory behaviors. Shootings, hijackings and murder bombers get major headlines and 24/7 news coverage. However, those are the extreme examples of intentional and premeditated aspects of criminality. Equally sinister and dangerous to non-advancement of the human species are the conveniently overlooked adversarial inflictions. These come in subtle incremental actions.

From the adverse aspects of political corruption, to the corporate collusions of greedy economic manipulations, criminal behaviors extend from the street to the boardroom. Not to forget the classroom, the non-practitioner academician, with no real-world exposure or experience, likewise fabricates potential and actual divisive maladaptation. Pontificating the self-importance of a non-scientific or evidence proved theory, the quackery of the pseudosciences influences nearly every level of society. Going from business meeting, to legislative session, and into the courtroom, the trickery conjures all manner of nebulous notion, as to why this or that. Much of it evades responsibility and accountability.

At every turn, up close and person, there is a remedy for everything, a label for every adversity and a "diagnosis" for each mental expression of diversity. The hideously incessant nature of advertising, for example, by every possible means exploitable, evidences a gluttonous culture in decline. For this, as suggested by some historians, we never seem to learn from history the tortuous inflictions done to humankind.

According to one British historian of the post-world war two era, empires have frequently risen and fallen throughout the history of humankind. By greedy consumption of self-indulgence, neglect and complacency, powerful social structures have met disastrous endings. Avoiding the temptation to hasty generalization, an argument could be made that given the research, that American culture faces a calamitous demise. Power elites capitalize on intentional naivet� by the populace. Mass marketing of everything ensures persuasive acceptance of superficiality for the prurience of self-indulgence. Selfishness and willing enslavement are cleverly manipulated.

According to one historical analysis, an "empire" survives about ten generations, roughly two hundred and fifty years. For sake of discussion, and not precise evidentiary validation, an entire society can be seen as eventually devolving to extinction. From pioneering exploration and innovation, to the regression of bloated burden on governmental resources, an entire population becomes a "zombie apocalypse". With that, also comes the intentional degradation of the environment. By linkage in this corruption, includes the massive disparity between rich and poor.

While it is likely too late to reverse the abusive regression, some willingly take themselves out of the conforming oppressiveness. By bold, uninhibited liberation of psychophysical bio-sexuality, the brave few embrace to every extent possible their ascendency to higher transformation. For the warriors of mindful revolution, the freedom to exist and excel outside the conventions and constraints of group domination, the quest is mightily uplifting. All senses, more than a mere five or the six, work diligently to train and discipline the harnessing of the endless potency of one's freewill.

A call to action for ascended exploration in imaginative realms, are spurred by the creative energies within, and war to escape the ideological extremes. Adverse orthodoxy of doctrine and ritual that encourage the enslavement of willing submissiveness, are to be shunned and fought wherever possible and practical. The perverted perceptions of the supernatural, the pseudosciences of foolish philosophy, along with the myth and magic of immaturity, ought to be challenged by scientific validation, reason and logic. The trek requires perseverance and strenuous endurance to suffer the pains of discovery and personal rejuvenation. The mystery and reality of human nature is darkly deep. To be self-evolved necessitates a dangerous adventure many will not survive.

Transformation from immaturity to ascended maturity means an energized selflessness that appreciates what matters. Yet, entire cultures prefer being enslaved and "self-victimized" by willful the oppressions of others. For the regressive intentions to satiate unmet needs, unfulfilled desires, the fragile, fractured and otherwise dysfunction "self", each perpetrates his or her interpersonal conflict. From academia to religion, sanctions of every sort, despotic and destructive, contrive to devolve humankind.

In particular, the salacious fixation on supernatural belief systems, as in religions for instance, is among the chief culprits for pathological subservience. Of which amative aggressions, like war, inflict their damage on societies by becoming the foolish social and political policies, pressured by politicians and pundits. However, those who stand separate, leave the flock, avoid the herded mentality of "group think", whether pseudoscience or political party affiliation, and pursue their calling, risk the wrath of communal backlash. For the valiant few, who dare the break from the symbiotic attachments, do so against the possibility of vicious emotional reactivity.

To interweave well-learned life experiences by unselfish focus, offers the potential unfolding a journey to higher ascendency. Nonetheless, the distractions are many, as others surround the "errant" knight apparent with jealousy, ridicule and scorn. Few respond with sincere congratulatory admiration at news of another's success. Instead, more often than not, is the echo of negativity, criticism and bias.

Detractors contrive an abundance of specious counteraction to thwart the progress of profound introspection and self-education of the few. Material pursuits, overwhelming gluttonous consumption and contrived competition, collude to misguide and divide more hallowed pursuits. In self-defense for those who want to transform, it is essential to self-evolve a healthy embodiment of inquisitive skepticism, the learned wise expression of cynicism, and endless chase of enlightenment.

With insistence upon rational inquiry, founded upon factual authenticity, the one who transforms remains the ever-learning student of life. An individuality of self-reliance, over-rides the seduction to parasitic materiality whereby everyone must be subservient and in symbiotic complicity with another. Myth, magic, simplistic metaphor, and stupid analogy, which are selfishly instigated for immediate gratification, are seen for what they are. Such reflects the psychobabble of a faltering culture embracing annihilation.

Among those who are self-evolving, creatively intelligent, and nobly rebellious, and who bravely resists those higher up in the "food chain", they risk dangerous consequences. To those in control and much more powerful, those who rely on the subservience of mass marking enslavement, defiance and transformative differentiation are a threatening to the oligarchical status quo. In order to diminish the constraints of herded consensus, to shun the enslaving processes, necessitates the bravery of self-liberation from thinking to behaving in extraordinary means.

Unfortunately, in the "post-modern" era of self-imposed stupidity and gluttonous consumption, not to mention the illusion of the impoverishing effects of the "American Dream", resistance may be perceived as futile. By following the calling of purposeful resistance, skillful countermeasures to be personally resilient and self-reliant, become tirelessly strenuous. Many cannot stay the course and will easily submit to the subsistence of primal subservience across multiple spectrums of social interactions.

Such action necessitates an overhaul of contemporary thinking, or non-thinking, processes, to ascend a more thoughtful climb of higher intelligence. Of elevated maturity, with well-learned and preciously earned insight, diverse real life experiences, disciplined training and multifaceted understanding, an individual must change in exceptional ways. Knowing the reality of severe retribution and tortuous consequences, choices are to be made freely and voluntarily to resist the tyranny of exploitive manipulations.

For the children who walk in adult bodies, relish in the bygone days of grade school, they are of the masses devolving in the regressive arrogance of intentional ignorance. For the true warrior of personal liberation, on the other hand, he or she realizes that greedy amative self-gratification does nothing to promote advancement of the human species. In response to the tyranny of contrived stupidity, and the dehumanizing intentions of socio-economic disparity, the lone rebel will stand as an outcast.

By predatory arrogance for the satiation of primal subservience, human devolution is the result of calculated foolish behaviors, where deceptive alliances ensure choices that negate the individuality of higher ascendency for an enlightened humanity. Superficial contemporary interactions, absent serious problem-solving instigations, in the pre-dystopic world lend to mounting evidence of eventual human extinction. So far, ninety-nine percent of all life forms on earth have met their final demise.

Unfortunately, the overwhelming probability is on the negative side of apocalyptic consequences. Fighting the illusions of magical thinking, increasing superstitious beliefs, and extreme ideologies slowly weaken in the onslaught of anti-intellectualism and gluttonous consumption. Predatory arrogance cleverly devises deceptive countermeasures to ensure continuity of primal subservience. From advertising to proselytizing, everything is a "commercial" for the sale and consuming of something. Measuring "success" is a matter of physical acquisition, not necessarily maturation of intellectual capacity. To the contrary, recent research offers dismal prospects for a smarter public.

Consumption, from a gluttonous materialistic gross consumerism perspective, is fostering a social climate of voluntary enslavement. The seemingly insatiable satiation of money-oriented greed regresses to a devolving state of affairs. Consume, consume, consume, everything interaction of a communal nature, especially on the world wide web, is about consumption, one cannot read an online articles, book review, movie critique or video posting, without the insidious "in your face" affront of incessant advertising. The odious nature of "enslavement" hastens human demise.

Instead of extraordinary efforts to ensure an enlightened, mature and wiser civilization, the contrary is favoring the selfishness of societal decay. There is sufficient evidence based on contemporary research, to consider the opposite of progress is occurring. As most people devolve to unstable perceptions based on fearful beliefs, ideological extremes, extinction looms near. Absent across the social spectrum are exceptional analytic abilities to discern, define and distinguish the nature of critical issues affecting human civilization appear woefully deficient.

Not just domestically within the U.S., but globally as well, examples of devolution are seen every day. As previously suggested, a gluttonous self-entitled culture tends not to pursue greater expansion of intellectual capacity. In the historical references as to the decay and downfall of "kingdoms", analysis similarly point to not only the decadence of materialism, but also intentional ignorance. For many people, "food for thought" is literally feeding oneself in excessive ways. As a destructive element, accepting contrived stupidity justifies the excuses of emotional reactivity that result in harm to others. An article published in a major UK newspaper reports one researcher's concerns regarding decreasing IQ levels across a wide spectrum of the public.

If the public in general is growing less astute, as some have suggested, then what about politicians? Not only that group, but consider the pundits of infotainment and the proselytes of academia in edutainment, criminal analysis and fact driven discourse shows diminishing returns. Analyze the current political processes at every level. From national politics down to the city council, what is the level of "statesmanship"? A reasonable conclusion, given the insidious nature of corruption, is political systems are rife with a serious void of leadership capacity. Condescending and personally negative characterizations run rampant through mainstream political discourse.

Aside from the potential for foolish, burdensome and dangerous public policy, incompetence in public office endangers the safety and security of the population. Additionally, researchers contend the "dumbing down" regression is happening globally and not isolated in one country or several, but instead, all over the planet. So, the devolution of the human species is widespread. As such, with an uninformed less intelligent populace, power and control by others more devious, becomes an easier process. Domination and tyranny in a modern age of mass consumerism offers many deadly possibilities that hasten eventual extinction of the species.

In fact, among the elite wealthy of the planet, there are those who would foment social upheaval, insurrection and civil war, in order to enhance personal gain. Unrest brings financial opportunity. Keep it simple, not too completed, ensure self-serving emotionalism, insist upon a posture of anti-intellectualism, and exploit every major incident, and a majority of the people are likely to follow. A particular easy allure is the realm of the supernatural, religious ideologies, extraterrestrial diversions, and especially a good conspiracy theory to keep people guessing anything.

Many people will believe anything if it is marketed effectively, which encourages magical thinking in non-methodical and logical ways. Extremist doctrines justify killing and maiming for the "greater good". Others, for similar reasons, rationalize consumer and consumption exploitation. Intolerance for "tolerance" of others invokes "political correctness" based on foolish fallacies for selfish motivations. Through ritualized conformity and an aversion to independent thinking, modern day slavery relishes in the justification of predation to ensure subservience. Critical thinking by way of scientific validity, supported by consistently unifying evidence, is often oppressed.

To ensure fear, and discourage self-reliance and mature self-development, predatory arrogance works in sinister ways to foster a "herded" sense of entitlement mentality. By which intentional "victimization" reinforces emotional reactivity so that responsibility is replaced by all manner of excuses. Oversimplification rationalizes anything insofar narcissistic delinquency justifies the heinous acts of inhumanity. In this regard, the adverse, or negative aspects, of politics, corporate greed and consumer gluttonous complicities, in their symbiotic dependency, social regression.

Of particular interest is national election season, in which challenge is an opportunity to study honesty, integrity and competence. Not only that, but closely observe the interconnectivity of groups, factions, parties and other manner of special interests. On a superficial level, proclaimed differences are "debated" on a range of non-threatening issues. Dangerous topics as war, pestilence, poverty, hunger, environmental exploitation and so on, seldom reach a serious level of solving analysis.

For the circus atmosphere of "glitz, glamour and glaze" the performance art pretends to inform in the vast terrain of "edutainment". All too often, the maturity of such processes tend to regress, as pundits of the so-called news media appeal to celebrity status, primarily about themselves. All manner of fictitious claims and specious assertions vie of air time, quick and easy sound bites, and the more important aspect, selling products and services for increased consumption.

In the latent stages of an "empire", as one historian pointed out, the "age of decadence", it is like a circus atmosphere. Of note is the greed and insatiable consumption of just about everything. Along with that is the dismal disparity between the rich and the poor, a ballooned governmental system, excessive consumer debt, strained public security and safety resources, and preoccupation with material success. Yet, soberer voices warning of serious necessities for immediate change, are seldom heard above the self-aggrandizing din of heightened emotional selfishness.

Intelligent and insightful analysis of significant socio-economic problems, both domestic and foreign, suffer the banishment to shallow references for the sake of immediate gratification. Meanwhile the "baloney and sausage" of trivial and sophomoric rhetoric is given wider "infotainment" coverage. "Stupid think" regurgitates babbling utterances pretending to be at some erudite level of interpersonal communication.

Meanwhile, as "anti-thinking" grips the arrogant rants of wannabe "revolutionaries", or the simplistic conjecture of "certain lives matter", societal advancement grinds to a crawl. Across the gamut of cultural malaise, some feel gratified they have advanced the cause of humanity by posting a daily innocuous quotation by some long dead celebrity. For them, in all likelihood, they have hoisted the battle flag of social justice by rescuing the greater good with a trite clich� of meaningless blather. Seen by some as foolish, childlike and an even insulting, the quote of day says nothing, does nothing and changes nothing. Regardless, for the "like" and "posting" of such tripe, the proselyte feels better about himself or herself in the emotional appeal for a "better world".

At the same time, by divisive plots and schemes, employing war-like fundamentalist ideological assertions, some cultic perversions carry out nihilistic acts of death and destruction. Humanity does not change in spite of all the clever sayings posted across cyber space. For the "warlocks" of alleged "social justice", they still do their heinous deeds on behalf of divine beings, ghosts, goblins or other philosophical notions masked in the supernatural. Even for the cultic affinity for the "aliens among us", the signposts are everywhere along the human highway of devolution.

To which, a few researchers would respond by saying this is another example of the human species on the brink of collapse. Future survival is questionable and for some an h high probability of eventual extinction. From the not so sanctified halls of academia, encouragement of mature intellectual ascendancy by unbiased analysis does not appear to offer much inspiration either. It has become virtually non-existent in terms of serious evidence driven; fact based, and scientifically validated open discourse.

Instead, typically found, with some notable exceptions, is the projection of unsubstantiated anecdotal rhetoric for the sanctification for subservience in status quo stupidity. As most project feelings in hopefulness of some ill-defined mythic notion of the supernatural, selfishness negates facts in the collusion with predatory self-indulgence. The arrogance of infantile narcissism with the primacy of greediness devolves dangerously in so many human interactions. In the end, there are no guarantees that advanced degrees, wealth and power, oligarchic inheritance, or presumed political influence and social connections, ensure high levels of transformational enlightenment. Predatory arrogance and primal subservience excuse malevolent behaviors.

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