Conflicted About Antioxidants? Here's What You Need to Know

You hear about them all the time on health shows and magazines. Antioxidants have become an overused buzz word in the natural health community, but for good reason - they're simply amazing! Antioxidants are essential to everyone who is serious about maintaining optimal health. It's finally being admitted in traditional medicine the importance of consuming sufficient amounts of antioxidants. The best professional to consult with about increasing your antioxidant intake is an alternative medicine practitioner.

But if you're still new to the concept and would like to learn more, then continue reading.

What Exactly Are Antioxidants?
In a nutshell, antioxidants are a type of molecule that can prevent oxidation of other molecules in your body. Oxidation is what causes you to age rapidly and is caused by free radicals introduced into your body through certain foods and drinks, as well as the air you breathe. Antioxidants create enzymes that can destroy these free radicals, allowing your body to remain youthful and healthier longer.

Your body does produce some antioxidants, but not all. Plus, as you grow older, your production of these antioxidants diminish, which is why it's essential to add them to your diet.

Why Free Radicals Are Bad
Free radicals can be very harmful to your body. It can manipulate your DNA and can cause a variety of illnesses, including cancer, cataracts, Alzheimer's disease, atherosclerosis and Parkinson's disease. Keeping free radicals to a minimal is highly essential to preventing these diseases. Nature has provided us with the ideal solution - antioxidants. You can obtain many of these antioxidants through iv vitamin therapy performed by alternative medicine practitioners.

What Antioxidants Can Do for Your Body
You'll learn to appreciate antioxidants once you understand the many benefits they can provide to your body. This includes:

Repairing molecules that have become damaged
Preventing the production of metal radicals like mercury and arsenic

Boosting your body's natural defenses

Shielding your cells from attacks from free radicals

Encourage cancer cells to self-destruct

In a way, antioxidants are a form of chelation therapy, which is effective for removing heavy metals and toxins from your system.

Where to Find Antioxidants
You can consume antioxidants in the form of foods as well. There are various fruits and vegetables that are high in different types of antioxidants. For instance, berries, olive oil, grapes, cocoa, red wine, oranges, peppers and various other foods all contain antioxidants.

If you're looking to add more antioxidants into your diet, then consult with an alternative medicine practitioner. medical health center is based out of Phoenix AZ and offers wide range of holistic integrative medical care to people of all ages. Our expert physicians are well respected within our industry to guide patients toward optimal health using the best of both naturopathic and conventional medicine solutions. Longevity medical is a leading prostate cancer facility in the USA.

 By Katie Spiess

Article Source: Conflicted About Antioxidants? Here's What You Need to Know

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