Ride On Sir Galahad

As the world turns another page in history we would be mindful to not only remember the past but actually learn from it. To often man has failed to understand the lessons that history is supposed to teach us. As a new President is about to take his place on the world's stage we are often reminded of great hero's that through their deeds accomplished great and marvelous things. They left their mark in history for others to follow their example.

Now, a new President is being sworn in I am reminded of one of histories greatest hero in a time of great upheaval and unimaginable hardship. A leader of men who championed the ideals that all men are equal and free. What he accomplished in this time of unparalleled adversity became the bench mark for all leaders, Kings, and even Presidents to aspire to. The peace and prosperity during his reign is a testament to his courage, leadership, wisdom and faith.

It can be arguably said that there is a similarity between King Arthur's knights to today's Presidential cabinet. But, that's where the similarities end. For in Arthur's time knights were chosen not only for their skill and courage but for their honor, truthfulness and virtue. If only that were the case today.

As our founding fathers established this nation Christianity was the guiding force that enabled this nation to survive and prosper as it was during King Arthur's time. After 20 years of peace and prosperity their came that one man who embodied the goodness and virtue that set him apart from all the others. The son of Arthur's greatest knight was now ready to complete the greatest quest in history. To recover the Holy Grail, the cup of Christ.

There have been many fascinating tales of Sir Galahad. But, the quest for the Holy Grail the one of two artifacts that magnify the importance of Christianity not only during Arthur's time but through the ages is as much of a Divine spiritual awakening as it is a noble quest. It can be only undertaken by a penitent and virtuous man. It was Arthur who realized the Galahad was the only one who could fulfill that mission.

Today, there remains many known artifacts that have not only great monetary value but immense spiritual significance. The Ark of The Covenant, The Holy Grail and Excalibur all poses great historical meaning. Then again, these historic artifacts mankind still is not capable to fully understand and comprehend the Divine importance each one processes. Each one had their own capabilities that enabled Moses, Christ, and King Arthur to have such a lasting impact on mankind through-out the ages. The impact that transformed the world from out of darkness and into the light.

When Sir Galahad laid eyes on the Holy Grail that was the last time it was actually seen. For today many attempt to search for the Grail like the Ark of the Covenant only to come up short. There are others who capitalize on man's selfishness who convincingly fool so many into believing they have unearthed the real thing. But, one thing is certain the historic and religious significance of the Holy Gail continues to captivate peoples imagination where ever the story of Sir Galahad is told.

 By Dr. Tim G Williams

Article Source: Ride On Sir Galahad

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