WMD In Iraq, Was Bush Correct?

Today, everyone jokes about the Bush Administration's claim that Saddam Hussein had Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). We hear things all the time about "yellow cake" and how the CIA and intelligence agencies supposedly lied that Saddam was trying to get Uranium to enrich. Somehow the narrative of WMD changed definitions in the left-leaning media to mean "nuclear" weapons of mass destruction, not biological or chemical WMD.

The other day, I read another report from a Think Tank that stated; "Congress believed the so-called WMD 'lies' too, long before Bush. In fact, British Intelligence still stands by the story."

This hardly surprises me, because we now know that the WMD (chemical weapons) left Iraq three days before we entered Baghdad, a Russian Convoy took them across into Syria, some actually made it to Libya, which is why the Bush Administration noted the axis of evil and three more countries were later added.
Gaddafi immediately realized he was next and made a deal with the Bush Administration to come clean.

British Intelligence did get it right, still have it right. It's just now WMD meant radioactive material in the media, but we know Saddam had chemical weapons, mostly because we sold them the chemicals to use against the Iranians in that long war they had. I think if more folks would stop with the sound bites and TV Cable political rhetoric and read up on this stuff things would sure be a lot better.

How do we know Iraq had WMD? Simple, we know this because we sold it to them to use against the Iranians in the Iraq-Iran war. Chemical weapons that is, and they had some left-over and created some too.

It's not hard to make the stuff, Iraq had weapon scientists too, some even came over after the Fall of the Soviet Union, bioweapon specialists. There isn't anything secret about any of this, and the two presidents didn't say that, Obama did before elected but he wasn't privy to any of this and lies about everything anyway.
President Bush knew he couldn't prove the Yellow Cake thing after the Spanish intelligence blew the Niger yellow cake story out of proportion. Libya ended up with some of that WMD too, and did you see how fast Gadhafi capitulated when we found out, he practically made a deal to come clean whatever we asked to the Russian's chagrin.

Anyway, maybe it's time we stop playing games with media quotes, especially out of context, one can't have it both ways, one can't cite the media when it suits them then call it all lies and condemn it when it doesn't - there is no honor to that behavior. If we keep rewriting history, we won't learn from it, and thus, we will be doomed to repeat it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Future Military Technologies. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank; http://www.worldthinktank.net.


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