Internet Access and The Future Of Online Voting Considered

After this hair-raising 2016 Presidential Election and all the talk about "Voter Fraud" of voting machines, illegal aliens voting, dead people casting ballots, electoral college reneging, and the CIA talking about WMD, whoops I mean Russians Hacking our election process, one has to wonder if any of our votes ever get counted or that voting even matters? Well, if you think our election process is unsafe now, just wait until in the future everyone votes online or via their smart phone. Yes, it's coming, and it is obviously a logical progression of our technology, but can we make it safe from hacking?

Recently, our think tank was discussing this and a fellow thinker stated that some people, poor people might not be able to vote due to the digital divide, thus, it would be unfair to the poor and African American community, here are his thoughts on this:

"My only problem on the digital divide between lower and higher incomes is this; the government may permit $8.25 per month to pay for Internet access but that only works if you have a smart phone or a computer and then on top of that you have to pay for the wireless router if you want that Internet access in your home. I see a couple things that the government doesn't necessarily pay for. I think that we could completely avoid this problem all together by having both the app for voting and still having the human run physical voting establishments at the same time."

Yes, I am not in-favor of the FCC subsidizing Internet Access either, because users have to pay for this, just like all those extra charges on your phone bill that no one can figure out. There are plenty of open-WiFi systems at Starbucks, McDonalds, Libraries, Government Buildings, etc. - so, more give-aways just means more government, and more people relying on government, plus if government gives you Internet Access, they automatically have a right to peruse the data, even if meta-data, which we all know can easily identify the individual based on their past usage. What if, everyone gets a text message to vote, then within 24-hours they need to vote for it to be counted? By that time they would have gone online to post on Facebook, made a phone call, etc. Those without cell phones, still are a challenge, but in fact, those are the very people who'd vote for free-stuff anyway, not that anyone should be excluded, I am still underwhelmed at the thought that someone can be drafted at 18 but cannot vote against a war while 17 and that you cannot drink until 21 but we are to trust those voters to vote for a President?

Maybe everyone should be polled, and those under voting age would have their surveys and percentages put into a separate category as to not malign them accidentally, plus they'd get used to using the system. The average 13 year old has a cell phone of some type now.

Yes, although our Think Tank could not figure out the answer to this challenge, it just shows you how tough our future might be when it comes to secure and safe elections. Please think on this.

Lance Winslow is an Online Author, his latest eBooks are about Future Internet security. Lance Winslow is semi-retired and Founder of the Online Think Tank - You may contact Lance Winslow by email for dialogue, discourse, discussion, or debate on interesting topics.


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