Deal - making can either be an art or a science, and/ or a strength or weakness! It can be an indication of abilities, intentions, mindset, attitude, maturity, priorities and/ or goals, etc. While the aim of any negotiations is to come up with a deal, which serves the best interests of the group, not merely in the short - term, but into the future, there may often be situations where it might be more beneficial to walk away, rather than agree simply for the sake of saying you got something done. Think carefully about the lyrics of the Kenny Rogers song, You've got to know when to hold them, know when to fold them, know when to walk away, know when to ride. When one reviews how a leader goes about making DEALS, we get to know much about him, and whether he will be beneficial, or a hindrance to the organization's sustainability!
1. Delves; destiny; discipline; drive; delivers:
Look at how thoroughly one examines the possibilities, and whether he delves deeply into the options and opportunities, as well as the pros and cons! Does he merely consider himself a great deal - maker, and believe this is his destiny, and thus drive himself to coming away from a negotiation, with a so - called, win? Does he have the discipline to walk away from a less than optimal situation/ agreement, if, perhaps, another approach might achieve better results? Is he driven by his own rhetoric to make populist, empty promises, or does he consistently deliver? Does he know when making deals is the best course of action, and when it might be somewhat inappropriate?
2. Empathy; expertise; extraordinary:
Examine how a leader proceeds to evaluate his next step! Does he learn what the needs, concerns and priorities of those he serves, might be, and does empathy drive him, rather than merely populist politics? Does he exhibit true expertise, rather than merely experience? Does he seem to strive for the extraordinary, not settle for getting some agreement that his ego, tells him makes sense?
3. Allegiance; attitude; aptitude; attention:
Examine where his allegiance lays! Is it all about him, and winning (at any cost), or about doing whatever best serves the group's best interests? Listen to his words, because they often indicate his attitude! Does he predominantly blame and complain, or seek viable solutions? How much attention does he dedicate, or is he mostly ego - driven?
4. Listen; learns; leadership:
Observe whether he listens, or speaks more! The best, most sustainable deals, historically, come, when there is quite a bit more listening than speaking! Does the leader learn from what he hears, or proceed with his own, rigid agenda? Does he exhibit true leadership, or juvenile immaturity?
5. Stronger; sincere; sustainable system:
How does someone make those around him better and stronger? Is the individual sincere and committed, or just a bag of empty rhetoric and promises? Is the end result, a step closer to creating, developing and implementing a sustainable system?
Leaders must be proficient, thoughtful negotiators! Beware of those who speak about DEALS, rather than agreements, or meetings of the mind!
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of
Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run events,
consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development
seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of
His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website:
and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning:
His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website:
and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning: