Trump Won! My Post Election Day Confession

 Before I start, I must explain what I mean by the Establishment. While I don't know who sets Establishment policy, and whether there is one Establishment for each political party or a bifurcated Establishment where both parties agree on matters of globalization and war, but split on internal matters such as taking sides in workers-vs.-owners issues.

During the presidential primaries of the Democratic Party, I voted for Bernie Sanders. I believed that he had correctly gauged the anger of the voting public who were fed up with Establishment politics that favored large corporations, and the wealthy at the expense of the average citizen. At that same time, since I had no stake in the Republican Party, I regarded Donald Trump as being completely unqualified to be a presidential candidate: the hateful words from his mouth proved it. I failed to see that Trump was also tapping into a different element of the angry public, those who not only were feeling the pinch of Establishment politics, but also blamed, in part, non-whites as contributing to their problems.

After the primaries were over, and it became a race between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, I decided to vote for a third-party candidate. With Clinton, I saw more wars, and more Establishment politics. Although Clinton did renounce her support for the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) under pressure from Bernie Sanders, I had no doubt that she would renew her support for it if elected. I also held Hillary partially responsible for Bill's disastrous second term: remember, she wasn't home baking cookies, she was busy trying to write a health care bill. In addition, as Secretary of State, she was instrumental in making Libya another battleground for radical groups. I won't go on here because her record is out there for all to see.
A vote for Trump was out of the question. He was so full of contradictions I wasn't sure what he stood for. He was inciting trouble between white and non-white men, he took sexual advantage of women, and he was a cheat in his business dealings. I didn't like the man.

Now that the election is over, and Trump is the president-elect, I decided to take a closer look at him. I know that Trump stated some terrible policies while running, but knowing that most candidates exaggerate or even lie when seeking elective office, I pushed those policies to the back of my mind. When I heard that Trump was to going to create jobs by trying to upgrade our infrastructure, I applauded because I was saying that since 2008. It wasn't done because the Establishment thought bailing out the banks and large corporations was more important than jobs for working people. Trump hasn't said how or where he will get the money to do this.

I also like Trump's attitude toward Russia; he wants Russia allied with us. During the days of the Soviet Union, NATO was necessary to prevent encroachment on Western territories by the USSR. The USSR is gone, and so is its danger; NATO should be part of past history. Instead, NATO has become an aggressor who is continually incorporating, into itself, countries on Russia's border. When it came to Ukraine, Russia decided to fight back; their current aggressiveness is a reaction to NATO's provocation. This and other US actions around the world are Establishment objectives. This is where the US taxpayer's money goes, this is why there is no money in our Treasury to fund projects in this country that the people, the taxpayers, need desperately. I don't think the average taxpayer is interested in an American Empire. If Trump can reduce tension between the Russians and us, it would foil the Establishments attempt to start a new cold or hot war. Our country has had a wartime economy since WW II; and this is why the US, the wealthiest nation in the world, gives its citizens less than much poorer nations in the world.

While I found some positive aspects in the Trump agenda, I still remember those things in the back of my mind. Although I still don't like the man, I think I have to wait to see if Trump will benefit or hurt our country and the world. The question is, does Trump see himself as a powerful ruler, or as the hero who will actual make this country great again; will he break down the Establishment's quest for Empire and return our country to the people.

During US presidential elections, the issues concerning war and peace are seldom mentioned. The most discussed issues are of internal national concern. With these internal concerns the citizens benefit or suffer depending on how wisely they vote. There is another group of people we should consider: the victims of our wars. They have no vote in our elections, but suffer the consequences of our choice. Although Hillary Clinton lost the election, she received a majority of the votes. Clinton is a war hawk who wouldn't hesitate to kill or displace people for the sake of American Empire. Is this what we want for America?

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Hush Lil Birdie

Hush Lil Birdie Matahari rendah di udara berjemur di taman dalam cahaya keemasan; Kolam bersinar seperti madu dan pepohonan mulai terlihat ...