Rhythms - plural noun: rhythms
"a strong, regular, repeated pattern"
I just finished a 2-day mastermind session here in Dallas, and the primary take away for me was the importance of installing "rhythms" in your business and your life. Rhythms are consistent activities that are scheduled, calendared and communicated with everyone in your inner circle. They are vital to keeping everyone on the same page in your business and at home. Without rhythms, we can quickly fall into a "chicken and feathers" existence and that creates chaos, stress, fear and eventually the breakdown of the unit either, business or family.
The definition is above, and it is vital to make sure that you have "rhythms" in your business and your life.
Here is why?
Lack of having scheduled Rhythms will:
· Invite chaos into your business and life
· Allow fear to seep into your organization
· Reduce the ability to become an expert
· Dilute the Legacy you are meant to live
Rhythms produce:
· Predictable and repeatable actions.
· Consistency and stability and improved communication.
· A reduction in stress.
· Repetitions and repetition is the mother of all skill.
· Rhythms create memories.
What are real life examples of Rhythms?
· At my company, our primary Rhythm is our morning "scrum". Every day, at 9:30 am, the entire company meets around our conference table. We talk about important events/activities that impact all of us. Our scrum lasts approx. 10 mins. and we never miss it. If I'm traveling, someone else runs it. It's a rhythm that everyone understands is vital to our success.
· Daily/weekly meetings with your team that are put on the calendar. Have an agenda, limit the time of each and don't miss!
· Weekly reporting that review meaning data such as sales, customer satisfaction, trends and profits/losses.
· On a personal note, rhythms are weekly date night with your spouse. It could also be Sunday Family Dinner, or annual road trip to the beach or mountains. Remember, rhythms produce memories that last a lifetime.
Keys to installing and keeping Rhythms going:
· You must have a real purpose that is clearly defined and understood by everyone. Rhythms without meaning are a waste of time.
· Everyone knows why, where and when they are to attend.
· Rhythms should be high value activities that connect to the "why" of your business or your life.
· Rhythms must be calendared.
· If a Rhythms is to be cancelled, the reason must be greater connected to your "Why" than your Rhythm event scheduled.
Here is an extra step if you want to use it. Fill in the blanks below. What are the top 5 things that are important to you in your life and your business? These top 5 areas should dictate the reason for the rhythms you are creating in your life.
What is important to me?
1. ______________________________________
2. ______________________________________
3. ______________________________________
4. ______________________________________
5. ______________________________________
1. ______________________________________
2. ______________________________________
3. ______________________________________
4. ______________________________________
5. ______________________________________