Just Fix the Fence

Do you ever find yourself feeling foolish for resisting what you feel you could have embraced? - as a product of hindsight. I had one of these experiences recently. I loathed the thought of doing a thing, and yet, in the doing of that thing, God spoke through it powerfully.

My youngest daughter had a car accident with a fence. She was upset that she had damaged her car, but there was this fence damage, and I'm better with fixing fences than her mother is.

We went to Bunnings and selected the materials we needed to complete the job, loaded the trailer, and gave 'Reg' a call on the way. Mentioning what materials we had just bought, Reg (who I'd not met before) promptly said, "There's two rails that are damaged, too; they'll need replacing." There was silence on my end of the line. We would need to make another trip to Bunnings! I was not impressed, but I have learned to say nothing at times when my blood's boiling. Reg responded in an unexpectedly kind way. It helped. We arrived and looked at what extra things we needed. As we left to go back to Bunnings for the extra items, Reg said to me, "Bless you."

"Bless you." This guy's a believer I thought. So, I asked. He was. We spoke for a few more minutes, then I prayed, for him and I. I prayed a penitent prayer, that I had not seen this work as Kingdom work. It was obviously kingdom work. Reg needed a hand to do this job, because he doesn't have the capacity to do a job like this. Reg, a community elder on The Crucible Project, was so thankful, yet we were there simply to reconcile matters through restitution.

God knew what Reg needed. He knew what I needed.

Fixing the fence was challenging work, but it was not without its reward. Reg and I enjoyed some godly fellowship. It was a difficult job that nearly defeated us both at one point, but we finished the repairs in less than a few hours.

Sometimes God wants us to get on with the work right in front of us. As we do that, in faith, He shows up in unexpected ways.

For me, I simply needed to get on with fixing the fence. I wasn't until I engaged in the work that God in the work began to bless me.

All because He put Reg on my path.

Steve Wickham holds Degrees in Science, Divinity, and Counselling. Steve writes at: http://epitemnein-epitomic.blogspot.com.au/ and http://tribework.blogspot.com.au/

Hush Lil Birdie

Hush Lil Birdie Matahari rendah di udara berjemur di taman dalam cahaya keemasan; Kolam bersinar seperti madu dan pepohonan mulai terlihat ...