How's That Leader DOING ?

The late, former mayor of New York City, Ed Koch, was perhaps, the one who made popular, asking his constituents, How am I doing? However, whether this was merely a style, technique, etc, or a desire to acquire meaningful, valuable, important feedback, in this specific case, might have been somewhat questionable! However, be that as it may, a quality, effective leader, needs to receive, with an open - mind, some objective critiques, suggestions, and feedback. Since most people possess either an overly rosy, or excessively negative self - image, it is often challenging, for them to be truly, objectively introspective! For this and many other reasons, it is always a valuable exercise, to review, and see how a leader, is DOING. 

1. Dreams; deliver:

Does the individual possess dreams and a vital, vibrant vision, which align, with the mission and objectives of the group he serves? What motivates someone, to become a leader? Is it based on a dream, which translates to relevant goals, or is it merely because he desire some perceived perks of leadership? Look closely, and examine whether one's rhetoric and promises, match his action plans, and whether he focuses on delivering on those promises!

2. Options; opportunities:

How ready, willing and able, is someone, to expand his comfort zone, and consider, with an open - mind, additional options, and alternatives? The wise, ready - for - primetime, leader, realizes, he must be willing to, at least consider, alternatives! How else will he be prepared to even recognize opportunities, and without that ability/ preparation, how can anyone, possibly, seize the best opportunity, at the best time?

3. Ideas; ideology; integrity:

One of the greatest challenges to identifying and choosing the best leaders, is finding someone who possesses the right amount of integrity needed! He must also be ideas - oriented, and seek solutions, rather than merely complaining, and relying on populist, empty rhetoric! These must also align with an ideology, which is in sync with the mission of his organization!

4. Needs:

Are the plans, programs and ideas, proposed and introduced, both relevant, and based, on the needs, concerns and priorities of constituents, and the organization, itself?

5. Generate goodwill; growth:

Observe whether someone's body language, attitude, perceptions, approach, and ideas, will generate goodwill, or is it adversarial and negative? Only when one consistently focuses on those he serves, and proves it, both by his plans and example, will the organization, exhibit necessary growth, which is a major component, in sustainability!

Leaders must consider, and constituents must examine, how their leader is actually DOING! Organizations flourish when their leaders focus properly, and perform accordingly!

Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, and Director of Development, as well as a consultant. He has professionally run events, consulted to thousands of leaders, and conducted personal development seminars, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. His company, PLAN2LEAD, LLC has an informative website: and LIKE the Facebook page for leadership planning:

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