Aligning My Soul's Purpose And My Personal Desires

A recent so-called normal conversation with a friend left me with "Something to think about"
We discussed briefly about my desire to be an 'on-stage' inspirational speaker. I wanted to deliver my messages around the world inspiring people to regain their natural sense of self-trust or natural faith. I admitted that I also wanted to create a sizable income at the same time, doing what I love. I became disappointed when this person came back with a lot of negative comments. Or are they simply reflecting back my own doubting beliefs? Perhaps I was 'raining on my own parade' with my own wishy-washy thinking.

Let's talk about that:

A couple of things came out of that for me. Firstly, I had to ask myself why I wanted specifically to deliver my messages from the stage. What is more important - being the star or getting my message out there and making it the star? The latter would mean letting go of how it gets delivered and allowing it to be released in the best possible way so that it reaches the mass. As I agreed to let go of having to be the star, I could instantly see how my messages are already travelling around the world, and I remain open to even more possible routes and destinations.

The second question I had to answer was 'What is more important - delivering the message or earning the income? I knew the answer straight away. Delivering the message is my number one priority. I know from experience, the more I focused on making money the harder it was and the results were unsatisfactory.
I am reminded that as I focus on answering the call of my soul and getting the message out there, I am aligning my self with receiving my heart's desires; financial and otherwise?

It made me wonder if the more attached we are to money the more we will miss the call and the alignment.

I am reminded that at times I receive exceptional payments for my work - but only when my focus is on answering the call of my soul. And only when I am able to feel good about receiving such a huge amount of money or the amazing gifts (which has included two brand new cars) for doing something that I love doing. Both giving and receiving have to be aligned and feel good. When they are, it works perfectly and with ease.

My current work situation is making me grow in faith. Although my work is fairly regular, at the moment I know there can be an array of things that can very easily change that scenario very quickly. In truth there is nothing sure about anything. It isn't what is that scares us it's the fear of the unknown - the 'what if', the 'what might' or 'might not' happen.

It's like: 'Build it and they will come'. All we have to do is to keep building the faith and so it is.
The more I let go and trust, the more I receive. As my sessions with a client came to an end last week two more came on board. I had a cancellation on Friday and another took his place. I am creating that, by maintaining faith even when doubt is knocking on the door.
What is that message?


My focus is not on money, nor on outcomes. It is constantly on my work and how I can best support. This is very freeing. I can see that in return I get the go-ahead to run my programs (which I love). Most of the marketing work is done for me and the people for the groups are provided. And from these groups I am provided with new clients. As I provide a service, I am provided for.

I came to realise that my desire to inspire people is being fulfilled. I remember saying that I wanted to make a difference on a daily basis - and I am. I have no idea who my messages are reaching and therefore how many people's lives are being positively influenced. I keep on acting in faith that the 'ripples' of my work are flowing far and wide. Although I can't see it, I trust (most of the time) that the return on my investment is growing as is my faith and as everything is aligned, all of my desires (and more) are coming into fruition as one perfect package.

Marie Brunger is an accomplished writer and author and an inspirational healer and speaker. Her latest book "I AM from fear to Freedom is a result of a decision she made over 20 years ago to heal her life and to help others to do the same.

Marie has supported thousands of people through their personal and life threatening challenges to find the freedom to choose who they want in the drivers' seat of their life - Love or fear.

Her philosophy is simple. Instead of searching for what's wrong, and fixing the perceived problem, we look to find all that's right. She says: "I am committed to restoring self-love and making it the foundations for a life of well-being. These strong foundations allow me and you to venture safely and more naturally through the fear to enjoying a higher level of living, loving and achieving.

Hush Lil Birdie

Hush Lil Birdie Matahari rendah di udara berjemur di taman dalam cahaya keemasan; Kolam bersinar seperti madu dan pepohonan mulai terlihat ...