How to Increase Site Speed and Improve Your SEO Ranking

Google's next generation search engine tool promises to improve the speed, accuracy, and range of Google search. As a result, you will have to adapt your SEO strategies to accommodate these changes. In this article, you will find a list of 10 SEO strategies you can use to improve your SEO rankings in conjunction with Google Caffeine.

1. Increase your site size

The authority of your domain is important to Google Caffeine; therefore, it should be increased. Google claims that Caffeine will have a bigger index capability which means that the larger your site is, the more PageRank you can control. As a result, you will have more domain authority.

2. Spice up your site with a blog

Increasing the size of your website can be as simple as adding a blog loaded with interesting articles. This will not only keep your audience fascinated, but Google as well. Caffeine is designed to locate and present the most relevant and freshest online content to its users. Posting blogs will certainly increase your chances to get noticed by the newly improved Google.

3. Keep new articles coming

Posting articles regularly on your blog page not only increases the size of your site; it will also encourage Google to visit more frequently. The more the search engine can index, the more information your fans will receive. Imagine! With Google's improved search capabilities web users now have faster and easier access to content indexed that day, week, or any time after that. So, what do you think your chances are now on appearing to potential customers when posting fresh web often? Pretty good, I would say!

4. Use Twitter to share your articles

It is a known fact that Twitter results are integrated into Google search queries. If you didn't know, simply pull up Google, enter a search topic. Once your results show up, click on Latest under the Any Time menu field in the left hand side navigation bar. Take a close look and count the listed Twitter posts. You'll be surprised. Use Google's fascination with Twitter to your advantage and post as many articles as you can on your Twitter account.

5. Turn social media sites into a goldmine

One of the strategies Google uses to find freshly created content is by exploring social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Digg. The more content you release on these sites, the easier Google will find you. Your fans will see your work, and the traffic flow to your website will improve.

6. Improve article titles by using efficient keyword strings

As relevance is important to Google Caffeine, try to compose article titles with keyword strings that are relevant to your rankings. The more exact the wording in your title is, the higher your rankings for that topic. Of course, creating an exact, yet original, competitive title can be tough when the heading is short. Try anyway, or lengthen the title!

7. Pay attention to click-through-rates, title tags & meta tags

Before Caffeine was launched, title tags and meta description tags were updated at an acceptable, but rather slow speed. It often took up to 3 week before changes were visible on Google. Since caffeine came into the picture, updates are now often integrated in as little as a day. With changes appearing so fast, you can now test your different title and meta tags for optimal ranking, as well as click-through-rates, much more frequently.

8. Guest blog to your heart's content

One of the easiest ways to build up your domain authority is by having links from high ranking sites. How can you accomplish this? You simply write quality articles for other blogs and prominent blog sites. By spreading your talents, you not only create links back to your own site, you will also appear within Google's index in real time.

9. Speed up your website's performance

Choose your hosting company carefully. They have to be reliable, and have a reputation for excellent up-time performance. Google checks website speed and looks for high quality website coding. Decrease your image size wherever possible as the bigger the pictures, videos and graphics are, the slower the download time. If you want to assess your website's performance, Google Page Speed is a superb tool.

10. More everything!

With the launch of Caffeine, Google is now capable of finding, indexing and presenting original content to its audience more quickly. This means that you will have to be more involved, and increase your actions. Create new web pages, write extra articles, send more tweets, improve your social bookmarks, and find additional blog sites for guest posts. The more you do, the higher your visibility, and the better your Search Engine Optimization results will be!

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